Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 75: Unit Conversions / Patterns and Two-Step Equations / Similar Figures

Today in Math 6: 1 & 3°, students continued working with unit conversion and dimensional analysis.
Angelina's dog Diesel drinks 10 cups of water every day.  How many ounces of water does Diesel drink in one year?


During Math 6 - 2°, students continued their work with Lesson 5.3: Patterns and Two-Step Equations. Some students began to graph linear functions while others worked on writing equations from a given table.
Write an equation for this table.
Students in Math 6+ began working with similar figures and using proportions to determine if the shapes were proportional.

Today's Learning Target(s): The student will be able to...
  1. use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems.  (1, 3, and 7°)   
  2. convert unit of measure.  (1 and 3°)
  3. analyze the relationship between dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables. (2°)  
  4. use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another.  (2°)
  5. determine with figures are proportional.  (7°)  
  6. fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using the standard algorithm for each operation. (all classes)
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to complete:
  1. Math 6(1&3°): Digital handout (6 - 10 and 15 - 20)  (CLICK HERE)
  2. Math 6(2°):  More Patterns and Equations - Quick Check
  3. Math 6+: Digital handout  (CLICK HERE)
  4. All Classes: > 10 minutes meaningful practice at Khan Academy 

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