Friday, November 07, 2014

Class Topics: 11.07.14

In Common Core Math Six today, Mr. Giomini posted an answer key as well as three problems for the students to solve involving multiplying fractions.  Lesson 4.10: Adding and Subtracting Fractions was introduced, modeled, and independently practiced.

Students had an opportunity to work cooperatively with a colleague to solve three leveled story problems involving fractions.  Once they were done with the task, they began their weekend practice.

The students in a woodworking class at the high school are making
birdhouses.  The plans call for the side pieces of the birdhouses 
to be seven and one-fourth inches long.  If there are six boards
that are fifty and three-fourths inches long, how many side pieces can be cut?

Answer to 11.06.14 Question: The weight of the bowling ball on the moon is 2 and 1/12 pounds.  Considering that the object is a sixth of its weight on the moon as it is on Earth, 
you need to figure out one-sixth of 12.5.  Convert 12.5 to 25/2.  Multiplying one-sixth by 25/2 gets you 25/12 which converts to 2 and 1/12 pounds is the weight of the bowling ball on the moon.

Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • apply and extend previous knowledge with multiplication and division to work with fractions.
  • apply and extend previous knowledge with adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.
For Weekend Practice, the student is expected to...


  1. The pieces can be cut into 1 5/24 pieces. I got my answer by knowing that if they want to know how many of 7 1/4 inches could be cut by 6 boards, then you have to divide. First I converted 7 1/4 into an improper fraction which is 29/4. Then I made 6 into a fraction by making it the numerator and 1 the denominator. Then I know that the second number you have to flip it. Next since we flipped it that turned it into a multiplication problem. After that I made sure I couldn't cross multiply so that later on you wouldn't have to simplify BIG numbers, which I couldn't. Then I just simply multiplied and got 1 5/24.


  2. i got 1 5/24 pieces. i got that by making 7 1/4 into a improper fraction so i multiplied 7 and 4 then added i and kept the denominator of 4 which is 29/4. Then i made 6 a fraction which is 6/1 then because you're dividing you have to do the reciprocal to the second number so 6/1 becomes 1/6. next i saw that you couldn't do any cross reduction so i multiplied across and that came out to be 29/24 and that's improper so i changed it to 1 5/24
