Monday, September 22, 2014

Class Topics: 09.22.14

In Common Core Math Six today, students began class by completing a Socrative quiz from last week's lessons.  Mr. Giomini then reviewed the Khan Skill: Writing Expressions from the Weekend Evening Practice.

To help review Friday's lesson, Lesson 2.8: Translate Words into Math, Mr. Giomini had the students in small groups matching word phrases with algebraic expressions.  Examples include:
  • 3 less than a number: b - 3
  • 3 times the sum of a number and 5: 3(b + 5)
  • 10 less than the product of a number and 3: 3b - 10
  • The quotient of 100 and the quantity 6 plus w: 100 / 6 + w
  • A 5-foot pine tree was planted and grew 2 feet each year. Write an algebraic expression for the height of the tree after t years.  5 + 2t
Once that was complete, students began work on their Evening Practice.  Students worked independently while Mr. Giomini circulated the room to check on student progress.

Today's Learning Targets: The student will be able to...
  • translate words into numbers, variables, and operations.
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...
  • complete page 28 in Chapter Two.

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