Monday, February 12, 2018

Day 104: Math 6: Area of Kites and Trapezoids - Math 6+: Area of Trapezoids

Math 6 students worked with Lesson 7.3: Area of Kites and Trapezoids. We continued to build off of what we know about squares, rectangles, and triangles to help us in understanding conceptually the formulas for kites and trapezoids.

Math 6+ students began their work with Topic Six: Geometry. Mr. Giomini modeled and discussed the area of trapezoids because we spent a majority of our time last Friday on area of triangles. The challenge came when students had to create new formulas that could be utilized with solving for area of trapezoids.

Skills that were introduced, modeled, practiced, and informally/formally assessed today in class include:
Math 6:
  • Find the area of special quadrilaterals. 
Math 6+:
  • Find the area of special quadrilaterals. 

Week Four Calculation Examples - 6

Week Four Calculation Examples - 6+

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