Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 17: Understand Integers - Adding Integers

Today in Math 6 students began Topic Two: Integers and Rational Numbers. Much of today's focus was working with integers and their opposites. Students learned that 5 and -5 are opposites because they are both five away from 0. Different scenarios were brainstormed to help us determine when negative numbers were needed in real-world situation.

Students in Math 6+ began Lesson 2.1: Understand Integers which provided a conceptual understanding of integers and how they are utilized in real-world situations. Mr. Giomini introduced adding of integers to help stretch the lesson. The handout for evening practice was begun in class to help ensure an understanding of adding integers. Click here to access the handout. Integer computations is a 7th grade skill that has been integrated into Math 6+.

In this lesson, students will be able to...
  • identify opposites of integers.
  • compare and order integers.
  • use integers to represent real-world quantities and explain the meaning of 0 in each context.
  • add and subtract integers. (Math 6+)
Essential Understanding for Lesson 2.1 - Understand Integers:
  • Integers are the counting numbers, their opposites, and 0. Integers can be compared, ordered, and used to describe real-world contexts.

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