Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Class Topics: 10.22.13

In Common Core Math Six, students in 1, 3, and  began class by completing a Problem of the Day before beginning Lesson 3.8: Equivalent Fractions and Mixed Numbers.  Students were introduced to the terms: equivalent fraction, improper fraction, and mixed number.  

Students in  reviewed their Evening Practice with Mr. Giomini.  Mr. Giomini Lesson 3.5: Multiplying and Dividing Integers.  The students worked in small learning pods to begin their Evening Practice.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • convert between fractions and decimals without the use of a calculator.  (1, 3, and )
  • simplify fractions using their greatest common factor.  (1, 3, and )
  • write fractions with a common denominator.  (1, 3, and )  
  • multiply and divide integers.  ()
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...


  1. Mr. Giomini,
    I think I did well on today's assessment. I had trouble with subtracting negative numbers.

    Collins. lil' collins.

  2. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I felt like I did a very good job on the assessment. I was a little bit confused on plotting negative mixed numbers. Other than that I felt good on the test.
