Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Class Topics: 10.24.12

In Math Six today, second period spent time reviewing Lessons 1.1 through 1.3.  Those students who were at a level four of comprehension, ask your child to explain, worked on corrections to the first seven questions on the Chapter One Pretest.

During forth period, students in Math Six reviewed last night's Evening Practice with Mr. Giomini.  Once that was done, students began Lesson 1.4: Solving Equations with Multiplication and Division.  The foundation that was established yesterday served as our starting point.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
Second Period:
  1. evaluate algebraic expressions when given a specific value for a variable(s).
  2. translate word phrases into algebraic expressions.
  3. solve algebraic equations using addition and subtraction.
Fourth Period:
  1. solve algebraic expressions with multiplication and division.  
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. review notes from Lesson 1.1 through Lesson 1.3.
  2. complete Lesson 1-4: Reteach and Practice A.
  3. preview Lesson 1.5: Solving and Graphing Inequalities  (CLICK HERE)

In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed their Evening Practice with Mr. Giomini and then began Lesson 3.7: Solving Inequalities with Rational Numbers.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. solve inequalities with rational numbers.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete pages 142 and 143 - 26 through 41 (All), 55 and 56.

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