Thursday, October 25, 2012

Class Topics: 12.25.12

In Math Six today, we reviewed our Evening Practice from Wednesday night.  Once that was complete, we discussed Lesson 1.5: Solving and Graphing Inequalities.  The term solution set was introduced as well as less than or equal to and greater than or equal to which helped with our symbols.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. solve one and two-step inequalities.  
  2. accurately graph inequalities on a number line.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete Lesson 1.5 Reteach and Practice A.
  2. preview the Lesson 1.6: Combining Like Terms for Wednesday's lesson.

In Pre-Algebra today, we reviewed skills from last night's Evening Practice.  Students then collaborated with peers to review lesson 3.1 -  3.7 to help with prepare for tomorrow's Chapter Three mid-point quiz.  
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. create equations and inequalities from a given story problem.
  2. solve equations and inequalities with rational numbers.
  3. compute sums, differences, products and quotients using rational numbers.

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