Thursday, October 11, 2012

Class Topics: 10.11.12

In Math Six today, students in second period continued their discussion with Mr. Giomini about converting between scientific notation and standard notation.  The focus today was going from scientific to standard.  Mr. Giomini reviewed some of the questions from the Unit Two Pre-test to help prepare for Monday and Tuesday's test.

During fourth period, Math Six students began day one of the Unit Two Post-test.  Before the assessment, Mr. Giomini reviewed some of the concepts from the unit with the students.  Over the long weekend, Mr. Giomini will tweet how the day one assessment is looking if you are interested.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. convert between scientific and standard notation.  (Second and Fourth)
  2. exhibit their understanding of Unit Two skills by completing day one of the assessment.
    • add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers with decimals.
    • develop strategies to solve multi-step application problems.
    • illustrate how the correct product for two decimal factors product.
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. continue to review videos, class notes and pre-test questions to help prepare for their Unit Two post-test on Monday.
In Pre-Algebra today, students in first period worked with Lesson 3-1: Rational Numbers.  Students were introduced to a working definition for rational numbers.  Concepts in this lesson revolved around the Khan skills that were assigned as Evening Practice for the past three nights: simplifying fractions, converting between fractions and decimals.  

During third period, Pre-Algebra students examined their Chapter Three Pre-test and Mr. Giomini shared with them the Learning Goals for the first six lessons of Chapter Three.  Students then collaborated in groups of three to four to develop working definitions for rational and irrational numbers.  

The task was for them to sort twelve different numbers into two groups: rational and irrational.  Mr. Giomini did not supply them with a definition for either, but students had to develop characteristics to justify why certain numbers went with others.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. simplify fractions to simplest terms. (First Period)
  2. convert between fractions and decimals.  (First Period)
  3. explain what characteristics a rational number must posses.  (First Period)
  4. collaborate with peers to develop a working definition for rational and irrational numbers.  (Fourth Period)
  5. justify their definition using appropriate mathematical language.  (Fourth Period)
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. input Chapter Three Pre-test data into Google Form on blog.
  2. complete the following two Khan skills:

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