Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Class Topics: 10.10.12

In Math Six today, students in second period worked with converting between scientific notation and standard notation. We began class by discussing how we could make large numbers smaller by moving a decimal point.

During fourth period, Mr. Giomini challenged the students with some of the problems listed below to develop a deeper understanding of Unit Two's content.
Problems from class:
  • Suppose a bacterium splits into two bacteria every 15 minutes. How many bacteria will there be in 3 hours?
  • The U.S. Gross Domestic 
  • Product in the year 2000 was 
  • 9.87 * 
  • 10^
  • 12 
  • dollars. Write this number 
  • in standard notation.
  • Fragomeli knows that his 2013 Chevy Malibu gets 26 miles per gallon.  He fills up his 15 gallon tank at the gas station for $58.50.  How much was the gasoline per gallon?
  • Tyler is training for a bicycle race.  One day he trains hard while the next day his training is a little lighter.  Monday we rode 39.25 miles in the 90 degree heat.  Tuesday he took it easy and rode one-tenth of what he rode on Monday.  How far did he ride on Tuesday?
  • Kirsten and seven of her friends enjoy a nice meal at Brio.  They see Josh and his four friends sharing a large 18 inch pizza.  The bill for Kirsten's table is $170.80.  Assuming everyone pays the same amount, how much will each person pay?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. convert between scientific and standard notation.  
  2. apply previously learned skills: multiplying and dividing decimals, exponents and scientific notation to new learning situations.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. review material for their Unit Two summative post-test.  
In Pre-Algebra, students in first period developed a working definition for rational and irrational numbers based on a collaborative number sort that they completed in class.  Throughout the chapter, we will revisit their initial sorts and see if changes should be made.
Student in third period completed their Chapter Three formative pre-test.  Mr. Giomini reviewed some fifth grade fraction and decimal computations before the pre-test to generate some ground level understanding of the material presented on the assessment.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. exhibit their current level of understanding of Chapter Three material by completing their formative pre-test.
  2. develop working definitions for rational and irrational numbers.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the students 
  1. complete their Khan skills from Monday.
  2. view Khan video on blog while logged in to Khan.

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