Friday, October 12, 2012

Day Off: 10.12.11

Math students,

Enjoy the day off today, but realize that you can spend thirty minutes improving your skills this morning.

Math Six, we have an assessment on Monday that you can spend time preparing for this weekend.  I am seeing some confusion on the difference between ten to the third power and ten to the negative third power.  They do not equal the same thing.  When looking at ten to the third, I see 10 * 10 * 10 and get 1000.  However, when I see ten to the negative third, I see a negative exponent so I know that my answer must be between 0 and 1 which tips me off that I am working with decimals; 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 or one-thousandth.

Pre-Algebra, it might be beneficial to find out the difference between rational and irrational numbers. Do not forget about your three Khan skills along with brushing up on simplifying fractions.

Mr. Giomini


  1. i went on your blog and found something on khan acadamy called writing equations ans i nryed it and i only missed one question i do not know how i did that!!


    1. Maiziee,

      I checked your progress and you were working with Writing Expressions. From what I can see, you attempted nine questions which is great to see. Don't be afraid to view the video when working with new skills to help you out. Keep up the additional work Maiziee.


      Mr. Giomini
