Friday, October 05, 2012

Class Topics: 10.05.12

In Second Period Math Six today, students continued to develop their understanding of division by working with dividends that had decimals. Lesson 2.8: Division with Decimals again required us to estimate quotients and then check our estimations by using a division algorithm.

Fourth Period Math Six worked on scientific notation using Khan.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. estimate quotients for division problems.  (Second Period)
  2. check accuracy of an estimate by dividing numbers with a decimal in the dividend.  (Second Period)
  3. convert numbers from standard notation into scientific notation and from scientific to standard.  (Fourth Period)
  4. work on some additional Khan skills for review:
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. correct their mistakes on the Unit Two Formative Pretest.
  2. complete any of the Khan Skills that you did not finish during our time in the computer lab.  (Fourth Period)
Second Period Quiz Results

In Pre-Algebra today, students completed their Chapter Two Summative Posttest.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. add, subtract, multiply and divide algebraic equations involving a single variable.  
  2. solve and graph inequalities.  
  3. simplify terms by combining exponents with common bases.
  4. understand how to simplify powers with negative exponents.
  5. convert larger and smaller numbers using scientific notation.
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. check Gradebook Wizard for their Chapter Two score and comment.
  2. view the video below to help prepare for the Chapter Three.
  3. complete the Khan skill, simplifying fractions, by Monday.  (This should be a review from fifth grade. Have at least 16 done in order to receive full credit.)

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