Thursday, October 04, 2012

Class Topics: 10.04.12

In Math Six today, we had different things going on in different class periods.  Second period estimated and then calculated quotients for division problems when there were double digit divisors.  Lesson 2.7: Division with Whole Numbers allowed us to work with an algorithm so we could check our estimates.
Our Fourth period, Math Six class worked with Lesson 2.9: Scientific Notation for Large and Small Numbers.  The computer lab served as our classroom so we could get practice one Mr. Giomini modeled the concept.  We viewed the Scale of the Universe to get an idea of how small and large things can be in the universe.

Khan Skills practiced in Computer Lab:
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. estimate quotients for division problems.  (Second Period)
  2. use the algorithm discussed in class to calculate quotients for division problems.  (Second Period)
  3. use scientific notation to convert between standard notation and scientific notation.  (Fourth Period)
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete Math Journal page 67.
  2. complete Math Journal pages 72 and 73.  (Fourth Period)
  3. post a Mathematical idea for the picture below.
How is Mathematics involved in
this photo?


In Pre-Algebra today, Mr. Giomini reviewed some concepts that were concerning to him from Chapter Two.  This served as our preparation for Friday's Chapter Two Summative Posttest.  Students were also reminded where they can locate videos on the blog that can assist in test preparation.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. add, subtract, multiply and divide algebraic equations involving a single variable.  
  2. solve and graph inequalities.  
  3. simplify terms by combining exponents with common bases.
  4. understand how to simplify powers with negative exponents.
  5. convert larger and smaller numbers using scientific notation.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. use any resources: note, textbook and blog to help prepare for the assessment.


  1. I can see Mathematics being utilized in several ways in this photo. For starters, the diameter of this loop / circle needed to be exact in order for this ride to move effectively and safely.

    Also, the designers had to calculate the speed of the ride accurately in so that the ride would have the force to pull the weight of the ride and its riders completely around.

    Finally, I end with a question, does the matter or cars on the ride itself alter the comfort or safety of the ride.

  2. The shape is a circle and circles have to do with pi,radius diameter and the circumfrance

  3. This picture has to do with math because the makers of the ride have to measure how big to make the circle and also the makers of the ride have to detect how fast to make the ride so no one gets injured on the ride or so the ride doesn't fly off the track. The ride is also a circle and I presume the ride makers started with a diameter and they have to subtract the diameter to get the radius and radius has to do with measuring like I talked about earlier.

    Zach Z.

  4. Hi
    The roller coaster is a 360 degrees circle. It has 5 carts and 2 people on each side. The second cart is on the radius. I have found that there are 20 people the ride. you can divide this roller coaster 4 parts which is 25% each.


  5. the roller coaster is a circle so it shows the perimeter and circumference

    ~ Placematt

  6. this circle has to do with the radeios and the pi you would have to test the speed of the the ride to see how fast or slow you have to put the ride so it will go all the way around the loop amd it would not go 2 times around so you will not get hurt or puke....

    maize chabot

  7. it is a circle that had to do pie,radius,diameter and circcumfrance

    jared h

  8. The picture is related to math because there needs to be a certain kind of speed to make it go around.


  9. this picture involes math because there is a cirlce.


  10. this picture has to do with math because the ride is in a circle which means I can figure out the diameter,radius,and circumference. You can also tell the temperature of the sky, and to find this you would have to use numbers. The designers would have to make it safe by seeing how fast it goes.I also think that it is safety to not have to many cars, or else you might bump into each other, and if your going FAST than it could be really bad, so you would have to make sure that there won't be too many


  11. The reason math is involved is because the roller coster is turning at every angle in the picture.


  12. It has to do with math because it needs to have a certin amount of force or speed to get around the complete circle

    Little Thayer

  13. The picture shows a circle. The circle or a pi has a radius, and a circumference. Just like the ride/photo. Pi is 3.14


  14. This picture has to do with mathematics because you can find the radius and the diameter and that is math.

    ~Bailss <3

  15. This has something to do with Math because the maker would have to know how to calculate the circumference of a circle. you dont want the cars to be too long because it might brake beause it might brake.


  16. this picture has to do with math because the ride is doing the diameter,radius, and circumference. Caputo

  17. This picture has to do with math because It measures the Radius and circumference of the circle.


  18. This picture has to do with math because its a circle and you will be able to find the circumference, diameter and the radius.

    Double J :)
