Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Class Topics: 10.03.12

In Math Six today, students in Second Period applied their skills from Lesson 2.1 through Lesson 2.6 to complete the Unit Two Mid-point Quiz.  This assessment, if completed will be posted to Gradebook Wizard today.

During Fourth Period, students applied yesterday's skills with dividing whole numbers and developed a slightly different algorithm for when dividing with decimals in the dividend.  The same steps are used with the exception of placing a decimal into the quotient.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. apply ­problem-solving and decision-making.
  2. communicate mathematical ideas.
  3. perform fraction and decimal computations and justify their solutions.  (Second Period)
  4. utilize an algorithm to calculate quotients for problems involving decimals in the dividend.  (Fourth Period)
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. visit the blog to view the videos posted under Unit Two.
  2. post an answer to the question posted below.  (All Math Six Classes)  
  3. complete the Khan Skill by Friday.  (Fourth Period)
    • Division (No Calculator!  Use paper and pencil)
  4. complete Math Journal page 69.
Question: Explain how Mathematics is involved in the photo below.  Leave your answer as a comment below please. 
Pie Chart...Literally
In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed last Friday's Weekend Practice before beginning the last lesson of Chapter Two: 2-9: Scientific Notation. Students discussed how Scientific Notation allows professionals to take extremely large and small numbers and convert them to number greater than or equal to one and less than ten.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1.  convert large and small numbers into Scientific Notation.
  2. convert Scientific Notation into Standard Notation.
  3. apply knowledge of Scientific Notation to real-world situations.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. complete pages 98 and 99 - Numbers 10 - 18, 20 - 24, 35 - 38, 43(all), 48 and 49

I love that you persevered through the
first seven and had the next
25 correct in a row.
Awesome Baugh!


  1. this picture has to do with math because it has to do with pi even though its not spelled the same

    ~ Pacematt

  2. This picture has to do with math because the person who took the picture made a circle graph on how much pie they have eaten. They have eaten about 30% of the pie.


  3. The pie has to do with math because if you look to the right of the chart there is a key which has to usually do with math is shows how much pie was eate and how much was not eaten.

  4. This picture relates with math because it could be like a circle graph.


  5. This picture is about math, and how a pie chart can be a graph for math, and the percent of the pie is about 30%.Caputo

  6. This picture has to do with math because it represents fractions.


  7. I love the scientific notation graph. I think it demonstrates what learning may look like.

    Regarding the pie question, I think math is involved in many ways. Top-down, it resembles a circle and the cuts resemble radii. I can use the rays to calculate either degrees or percentages. I can double the radius to find the diameter and I can factor the diameter against pi to find circumference or divide circumference by diameter to demonstrate pi. That's "pi" not "pie".

    In creating the pie, I imagine ingredients were listed by either fractions or decimals and that measuring units were used. There are many other ways this image demonstrates math concepts.

  8. the picture of pie involves math because there are 2 sixths of the pie eaten and there is a key of the amount of pie eaten.

    Z squared

  9. This picture has to do with math because it is like a circle graph, and the percentage of the pie is
    30% was eaten by you and 70% is left.


  10. The picture above represents math because it showed
    how much he ate in of the pie witch is a fraction.


  11. Its a pie it has a fraction because some one ate a piece of the pie


  12. It is a pie,that had a fraction in picture,that had's to do with math

  13. 27% of the people that the pie they have eaten.


  14. This has to do with because math because 30% is eaten and 70% left

  15. This has to do with because math because 30% is eaten and 70% left

  16. It is a pie,that had a fraction in picture,that had's to do with math

  17. It has to do with math because it said that have eaten and had not eaten

    Little Thayer

  18. This picture has to do with math because it is a picture of a pie and you find the fraction


  19. this pie graph have something to do with math because it shows %


  20. this picture relates to math because the amount you have eaten or not eaten is a fraction, and you can make it into a decimal or percent.


  21. this has to do with math because of the fractions of how much you ate and how much is left

    double K
    (4th period)

  22. A pie chart has to do with math because of the desimals and persents (u have to convert them firsts)

  23. This has to do with math because it shows percents and how much pie you ate.


  24. The picture has to do with math because it has to do with frations.


  25. Sometimes measuring and fractions have to do with stuff you eat or the things you eat like a pie


  26. this photo is apart of math because of pi, fractions, and circle graphs.

  27. This has to do with math because its fractions, and fractions is math.


  28. it has to do with math because of the fraction of pie you ate much pie you at and how much you dint eat


  29. Im estimating that the pieces gone are about 1/3 and the pieces that are stiil there are 2/3

    little graney

  30. In the photo mathematics is involved because it is roughly 27-30 percent and that could be placed on a circle graph with percent’s or fractions which are mathematics. Also, it is possible to make a graph out of it. We do not know the true amount of what was eaten and what has not been eaten. We can find where 50 and 25% is and we can go in between using half. If we continue this, than we will have a stronger amount of what the percent is and you would be doing mathematics while that.
    San Jose/Neipp/Negative exponents king

  31. It has to do with math because you can make what you have and have not eaten into fractions, decimals or even percents!

    (fourth period)

  32. This has to do with math because it deals with percents. 30% of the pie was eaten and 70% of the pie was not yet eaten.

    Double J :)

  33. It has to do with pie because it shows a fraction of the pie was eaten or gone

  34. It has to do with math because it has to do with fractions


  35. This photo involves math since it is showing like a pie graph . Sign Game Face

  36. The pi shows math. Because it shows how much has been eatin or not as a decimal or as a fraction.


  37. The pie can show a fraction of how many you ate or how many is left of the pie.

  38. The roler coster picture shows a circle graph.I would show all of the persents

    Charlotte Rose

  39. the picture of the roler costar has to do with math because it is in the shape of a circle and you could do the circomfrance or the radios of the circle.
    You could also make a circle graph with it

