Thursday, September 27, 2012

Class Topics: 09.27.12

In Math Six today, students analyzed answers to today's Quick Check which will be posted later this morning below.  Once that was completed Mr. Giomini led a discussion comparing answers to last night's Evening Practice.  Student then collaborated with each other in pairs or pods to review material from Lesson 2.1 - 2.6 in Unit Two.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. communicate with colleagues their solutions to various Unit Two skills.
  2. convert various numbers into standard, number-and-word notation and expanded notation.
  3. determine the appropriate product for two numbers when using powers of ten with positive and negative exponents.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete Study Link 2.5.  (Handout in class)
  2. make corrections to the Unit Two Formative Pretest.
    • Blank copies and answer keys are available on the blog.
Which one is the teacher?
In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed Lesson 2-7: Properties of Exponents.  The focus of today's lesson was to apply what we had learned yesterday and use that knowledge to solve the question below.  This same question was assigned to Third Period Pre-Algebra yesterday, but we needed to gain some clarity.
  • Someone told Sara that it takes sunlight about 8 minutes to reach Earth.  Sara remembered that light travels at about 186,000 miles per second and that we are about 93 million miles from the sun.  Is 8 minutes a reasonable figure?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. apply the properties of exponents to different situations.
  2. divide and multiply exponents with common bases.  
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. make corrections to your Chapter Two Pretest.
  2. preview Lesson 2.8: Look for a Pattern in Integer Exponents.
Explain the pattern.

Negative Exponents

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