Friday, September 28, 2012

Class Topics: 09.28.12

In Math Six today, students in second period reviewed for next week's Unit Two Mid-point Quiz.  Students were divided into four groups and rotated through four learning stations.  At the four stations, they solved problems dealing with number notations, powers of 10 and decimal calculations.

Fourth period Math Six completed their Unit Two Mid-point Quiz.  This assessment should be graded and entered into Gradebook Wizard by early Saturday morning if not sooner.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. convert numbers into standard, number-and-word and expanded notation.
  2. add, subtract, and multiply numbers with decimals.
  3. use powers of 10, both positive and negative, to convert numbers.  
  4. apply problem solving skills to real-world examples.
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete the Khan Skill listed below.  (Double Stack)
    1. Rounding Decimals
In Pre-Algebra today, students discussed Lesson 2.8: Look for a Pattern in Integer Exponents.  Students learned how to evaluate expressions with negative exponents similar to the ones pictured below.    Mr. Giomini started class with a challenge to the students: Express one-half using an exponent.  

From there class when into developing an understanding of evaluating products and quotients of negative exponents.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. evaluate powers of 10.
  2. evaluate negative exponents such as (-2) to the third power.
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that students...
  1. complete pages 94 and 95: numbers 13 through 36 even, 45 and 46, 50 - 54.  Google Form
  2. review Lessons 2.1 - 2.4 to begin preparation for the summative posttest next Friday.


  1. THis is antonio i hope your having a great wekk!!

  2. The picture of the pie can relate to math because you
    could say that you ate one forth of the pie

    - jk
