Thursday, September 20, 2012

Class Topics: 09.20.12

In Math Six today, students received their Unit Two Formative Pretests back from Mr. Giomini.  We analyzed the class scores in a bar graph and developed quick inferences as to why the results occurred.  Class then begin Unit Two with Lesson 2.1 Reading and Writing Large Numbers and Lesson 2.2 Reading and Writing Small Numbers.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. read and write large numbers in standard, expanded and number-and-word notations
  2. read and write small number in standard and expanded notation.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete Math Box 2.2 on Math Journal 51 in a Google Form.  CLICK HERE!
In Pre-Algebra today, students worked with Lesson 2-5: Solving Inequalities Containing Integers.  This lesson is a bit tricky because at times the inequality symbol needs to be changed depending on the operation and integer.  The reason this must be done is to keep the inequality true when we check our solution.

Mr. Giomini provided several examples in class that students recorded in their Pre-Algebra notebook.  Students then worked independently to solve numbers 14 through 30 in their textbook as Mr. Giomini assisted students and monitored student progress.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. solve one-step inequalities that involve integers.
  2. check inequalities solution by substituting value back into the equation.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete 37 - 45, 47, 50 (all parts), 51 explain on your paper, 53 - 61.
  2. review concepts from Lessons 2-1 and 2-2 in preparation for Monday's Mid-Point Quiz.
  3. post an answer and explanation for the question below.


  1. 94 is my answer i got this by adding all of the numbers together to get a total of 494. I got that total with the missing number and I found the missing number by multiplying the number of days, which is 7,by the number I needed as my average, 84. I got 588 and I knew thats what I had to equal. My equation was:588=494+x, and 588-494=94. So then I plugged it back in to the equation: 494+94=588/7=84, and thats how I got my answer.


  2. My answer is 94. I got it by adding up the numbers and got 494. Next I multiplied 7 (the number of days) by the average 84. I got an answer of 588. My equation was 494+x=588. 494+94=588/7=84. That is my answer.

    1. I like your answer. Now I just wish I knew who it was from.

  3. First, I added up 6 out of the 7 game yards because I only know 6 of them. Then, I got the answer of 494. Next, I wrote out my equation which is 494+n/7=84. Then, I multiplied the n/7 and the 84. Next, I wrote out what I had left which is 494+n=588. Then, I subtracted 494 from each side. Lastly, I figured out that n=94.

    Pishner =) =) =) =) =) =) ( smiley faces )

  4. I got 94 yards gained for game 6. First, I wrote the equation (104+70+68+90+82+80+n)/7=84. Then, I added all of the yards gained to get (494+n)/7=84. Next, I multiplied both sides by 7 to get 494+n=588. Finally, I subtracted 494 from both sides leaving me with n=94.

    Brock Lesner

  5. my answer is 94. i got 94 by adding all the numbers up including n, then i added the numbers to combine like terms. from there i had 494+n/7=84 i then multiplied 84*7 to get 588, then i subtracted 494 and got 94. that is how i got my answer.

    :D :P :)

  6. My answer is 94, I first started with 84. I knew something (n) divided by 7 would equal 84. I multiplied 84 by 7 and I got 588. Then I started to subtract all the yards Mr. Giomini gained. Finally i came up with my answer of 94. After I was done I plugged by answer back in; 104+70+68+90+82+94+80/7=84


  7. My answer is 94 because if you add up all the numbers you get 494, 494+n/7=84 7•84=588, 588-494=94, and if you subsbitute 94 in for n and add up all the numbers again you get 588 and 588/7=84. That's how I got my answer.


  8. I got n=94 as my answer. To get 94, I first found the mean: (104+70+68+90+82+80+n)/7=84 Next, I added all the numbers to get (494 +n)/7=84. Then, I multiplied each side by 7to get 494+n=588. After, I subtracted 494 from both sides to get n=94.

    -Serra the Terra
