Friday, September 21, 2012

Class Topics: 09.21.12

In Math Six today, we reviewed Lesson 2.2: Reading and Writing Small Numbers and worked briefly in Lesson 2.3: Adding and Subtracting Decimals.  Mr. Giomini modeled a problem from the Unit Two Formative Pretest and posted the video to the blog.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. read and write numbers in standard notation greater than zero.
  2. estimate sums and differences for decimal computations.
  3. explain their estimation.
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. post an answer and explanation to the question pictured below.

In Pre-Algebra today, we reviewed the first five lessons from Chapter Two by collaborating with colleagues.  Students were involved in numerous center type activities to develop a deeper understanding of the material.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. develop strategies to solve various story problems.
  2. communicate with colleagues using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
For Weekend Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. review notes and videos to help prepare for Monday's Mid-Point quiz.
Advisory Skills:
A little more complex than ours, but something
you might be able to wrap your
mind around.


  1. hello the early bird gets the worm. how I solved the problem is I did 34.99*3 and got 104.97,so I subtracted 104.97 from 250.00 and got 145.03. Then it said that Mr. Giomini bought a movie that its oringanal price was 24.00 and it was 50% off. So I know 50% off of 24.00 is 12.00. Then I subtracted 12.00 from 145.03 and got 133.03.then he bought a wireless mouse and it was 17.99. Then 250.00-17.99 is 115.04,and thats how I got my answer. Brendan

  2. I found that you will have $115 left because if you multiply 35x 3 and add the sum to 12 and 18 subtract that sum from 250 and the money you have left over is $115.

  3. I added 34.99 3 times and then I added 12.00 + 17.99 and then I added the two answers together and then I got 134.96 and then I took the answer and - it from 250.00 so he will have 115.04 left


  4. I got my answer by multiplying 34.99 by 3 and got 104.97.I then divided (in my head) 24 by 2 and got 12, I added 12 and 104.97 and got a sum of 116.97. I took 17.99 and added it to 116.97 and got a sum of 134.96. Finally subtracted 250.00 (because that's the starting money) from 134.96 and got 115.04. So Mr. Giomini has $115.04 left.


  5. I got my answer by adding 104.97+12.00+17.99 and got 134.96 and then I - 250.00 -134.96 and got 115.04.

  6. I multiplied 34.99 and 3 and got 104.97. Then I divided 2 by 24 and got 12.Then I added 104.97 and 12 and I got 16.97. Then added 16.97 and 17.99 and got 134.96. Then I subtracted 250.00 by 134.96 and got 115.04.

    Matt F.

  7. Well, if he started off with $250.000 and bought 3 video games that were $34.99 each which together cost 104.97 ($34.99x3=$104.97), bought a movie which was originally $24.00 but it was 50% off so now it was $12.00 ($24.00/2=$12.00) . The last thing he bought was a wireless computer mouse, which was $17.99. So what you have to is subtract $250.00-$104.97-$12.00-$17.99. That equals $115.04. So in the end he walks out of the store with 115.04.

    Josh (90)

  8. Mr. Giomini has $115.04 left in his pocket! I first multiplied $34.99 by three and got $104.97. Next, I took half of $24 and got $12. Then, I added $104.97, $12.00 and $17.99 and got $134.96. Finally, I subtracted $134.96 from $250.00 and I got the answer of $115.04 !

    Jennifer :)

  9. step 1 multiplyid $34.99 * 3= $104.97 then Step 2 the I divided $24.00 by 2= $12 step 3 then i added everything up. step 4 then $250.00 - $134.96 = $115.04


  10. First I added all ofthe numbers of the prices and got 134.96. Then I subtracted 250.00 and 134.96 and got the answer of 116.96.

    Kirsten S.

  11. Hi I got my answer by multiplying 34.99 by 3 then did $12.00 + $16.97. I added both new numbers and I did 250/ that number to get $115 dollars.

    your student

  12. Mr.Giomini

    I got $115.04. I multiplied $34.99 by 3 and got $104.97. Then I divided $24.00 by 2 and got $12.00.Then I added $104.97 and $12.00 and I got $16.97. Then added $16.97 and $17.99 and got $134.96. Then I subtracted $250.00 by $134.96 and got $115.04.


  13. mr.giomini

    this what i did to solve the problem first what i did is 34.99+34.99+34.99 and got 104.97. then i did 24/2and got i did 17.99 + 34.99+34.99+34.99+17.99 and got 134.96.


  14. I multiplied 34.99 by 3.and got 104.97 then I divided 24.00 by 2 and got 12.00 and finally I added 17.99 and got 134.96 I subtracted 134.96 from 250.00 and got 115.04 Jared hungerman

  15. I got 185.02 because $34.99 + $12.00 + $17.99 = $64.98. Then I took $250.00 - $64.98 = 185.02


  16. mr. giomini

    i got 115.00 by multiplying 34.99 by 3 and got 105.00 then i divided 24 by 12 and got 105 then i got 133 and then subtracted it by 17 and got 115


  17. i got 115.24

    silly mustache


  18. I got $115.04. I added up the numbers 34.99,34.99,34.99,12.00, and 17.99, And i got a total of 134.96. Then I subtracted 250.00 and 134.96 and I got my answer, which is $115.04.


  19. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I got $115.04 for the total amount. I did $34.99*3 equals $104.97. Then I divided $24.00 by 2 and got $12.00. I added the $12.00 to 104.97 and got 116.97. Next I subtracted $250.00, $116.97, and $17.99 and got $115.04. I subtracted $250.00 and $115.04 and got $134.96. I added $134.96 and $115.04 and got $250.00 just to make sure my answer was correct. The total amount of money Mr. Giomini had left is $115.04.
    Jordan K.

  20. Mr. Giomini,

    First, I multiplied 34.99 by 3 which got me the answer of 104.97. Then, I did 24.00 divided by 2 since the movie was 50% off. I got 12.00. Next, I did 104.97 + 17.99 + 12.00 which equaled 134.96. Lastly, I did 250.00 minus 134.96 which equals 115.04. Mr. Giomini had $115.04 left over.


  21. My answer is $115.04 i got that by doing $104.97+$12.00+$17.99=$134.96 then i subtracted $250.00-$134.96 and i got $115.04 for the answer.


  22. Mr. Giomini:D
    I figured out that you ( Mr. Giomini ) left best buy with 115.04 after everything you got. I got this by mutiplying $34.99 by 3 and getting $104.97 and then added that by $12.00 and getting $16.97 and then adding that by $17.99 to get $134.96 and suptracting that by what you had first which was $250.00 and figured out that when you left best buy you had $115.04.
    Thanks for pushing us harder,

  23. I got the answer of $104.97. I got this answer by multiplying $34.99 by 3 and then I added $17.99 to $12.99and got $29.99. Lastly I subtracted $145.03 to $104.97 and that is how I got my answer of $104.97.

  24. Mr Giomini,

    I got the answer of 115.04 after i did all of the math.


  25. First i got my answer of 134.96 dollers. I got my answer be multiplying 34.99 times 3. Then added 17.99 to that answer. Finaly i divided 24.00 by to because it was 50 percent and got 12 dollers. So my answer is 134.96 dollers.
