Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Class Topics: 09.18.12

In Math Six today, students in second period worked with stem-and-leaf plots since that was a component of our most recent assessment that hurt several of us.  Once that was completed, Mr. Giomini modeled how to construct a circle graph using percents that were already given.

In fourth period, students completed their Discovery Education Benchmark Assessment.  Students were involved in similar assessments last year.  This tool monitors growth over the calendar year and provides discussions points for November's upcoming conferences.  (THIS DID NOT OCCUR DUE TO A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX.)  It will happen sometime in the future.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. withdraw measures of central tendency from data displayed on a stem-and-leaf plot. (2nd Period)
  2. decide which measure of central tendency best represents a set of data. (2nd Period)
  3. explain why that measure of central tendency best represents a set of data. (2nd Period)
  4. demonstrate your current level of understanding for sixth grade mathematics by completing the first Discovery Education Benchmark Assessment.  (4th Period)
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...

In Pre-Algebra today, we analyzed the answers from last night's Evening Practice.  Students then collaborated with peers to determine the amount of money left in someone's banking account by adding and subtracting integers.  

Mr. Giomini introduced multiplying and dividing integers by posing a story problem to the students.  For five minutes, students developed a strategy to solve the problem and then shared with a neighbor.  Class then discussed strategies and solutions.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. communicate their strategy for solving a problem to a peer.
  2. provide feedback to a peer about a strategy that the peer is using.
  3. explain the algorithm for multiplying and dividing integers.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  • complete numbers 24 - 40 even, 44, 45, 47, 50-53 and 55 on pages 70 and 71.  
  • enter answers HERE!!!!

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