Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Class Topics: 09.11.12

In Math Six today, students collaborated to make a human histogram with data given to them by Mr. Giomini.  Once that was constructed and discussed, students analyzed the double line graph below and listed different characteristics that are needed when developing a quality double line graph.

Mr. Giomini then distributed the Evening Practice to students titled TV Watching.  Students worked independently to complete the task.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. analyze a double line graph.
  2. list characteristics of a quality double line graph.
  3. construct a histogram from data.
  4. draw conclusions based on data in a histogram.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student... 
  • complete their TV Watching handout.
  • view the video posted below to assist with test preparation.

In Pre-Algebra today, students collaborated with peers to review for tomorrow's Chapter One Summative Post-test.  Students were arranged into groups of three by Mr. Giomini and circulated through various learning stations to help with skills that will be presented on the assessment.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. evaluate algebraic expressions and equations.
  2. solve and graph algebraic inequalities.
  3. graph ordered pairs.
  4. determine whether an ordered pair is a solution for an algebraic equation.
  5. interpret data presented in a table or graph and develop inferences from that information.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  • review notes, handouts, videos and their pre-test to assist with test preparation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Giomini! I just wanted to let you know that I recently had a test in Pre-Algebra and got a 95% on a 55 point test! I hope you got some good students this year. Hope to see you soon..... maybe Lexi and I will come afterschool sometime!

