Monday, September 10, 2012

Class Topics: 09.10.12

In Math Six today, Mr. Giomini modeled problems from the Unit One Pre-test.  He focused on vocabulary within the questions to assist in solving the problems.  Students from second and fourth period were then engaged in different activities to help in their preparation for the assessment.
  • Second Period constructed circle graphs from given data by converting the data into fractions, decimals and percents.
  • Fourth Period developed a data set once an average was known.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. convert data into fractions, decimals and percents.  (Second Period)
  2. create an appropriate graph that shows percents.  (Second Period)
  3. develop a strategy to use when given data.  (Fourth Period)
  4. implement and test a strategy.  (Fourth Period)
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that students...
  • construct a circle graph using the data posted below.  (Second Period)
  • complete a handout titled "Drop Off".
Second Period: Use this data to construct a circle graph

In Pre-Algebra today, we completed Lesson 1-9: Interpreting Graphs and Tables.  During this lesson, we analyzed tables and graphs.  We then interpreted that data to develop inferences.

Student would look at a graph like the one posted below and either select a scenario that would reflect it or develop a situation.  We also constructed a table that would represent this graph.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. interpret information given in a table or graph.
  2. develop an appropriate graph to solve a problem.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
Describe a scenario that would
reflect this graph.


  1. Hi Guys! Hartwell pre-algebra students also completed lesson 1.9 today. We're hoping to do some review tomorrow and take the final test Wednesday. Good luck to you all!

  2. i love this i cant wait for the test ive been studying very very very very hard on this subject to get the best grades i can posssibley can to score a really high number so we can get a donut party!!!!!

    maizie chabot
