Thursday, September 06, 2012

Class Topics: 09.06.12

In Math Six today, students developed their analytic skills by making observations in Lesson 1.11: Persuasive Data and Graphs.  We discussed Math Journal page 37 and developed explanations as to why the graph was misleading.  Students finally worked with Mr. Giomini in the Pre-Algebra curriculum to explain discrepancies in the graphs that make it misleading.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. discuss how data can presented in graphs inappropriately.
  2. analyze a graph for misleading information.
  3. compare  line graphs to determine which one is more persuasive.
For Evening Practice, the student CAN...
  1. complete Study Link 1.11 (Print Here)
Misleading Graphs
How is this graph misleading?

In Pre-Algebra today, students received their Chapter One Mid-Quiz.  We discussed some of the more problematic questions from the assessment.  Students were given information as to the steps to take if they would like to have a re-take.  Students then were introduced to Lesson 1-: Ordered Pairs.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. understand the difference between the x and y-axis on a coordinate plane.
  2. graph points and lines on the coordinate plane.
For Evening Practice, the student CAN...
  1. complete Problem Solving 1-8.  (CLICK HERE)
Advisory Practice:

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