Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Class Topics: 08.29.12

In Math Six today, students were in the computer lab inputting their Unit One Formative Pre-test scores into a Google Form.  The purpose of this activity is for Ms. Banjoff, Mr. Hartwell and myself to analyze more thoroughly our assessment data in an attempt to find overall strengths and areas of concern within individual units in our curriculum.  We will do a similar thing once we conclude the unit with our summative post-test.

Once we finished inputting data, students logged into Khan Academy and assigned Mr. Giomini as their Khan Coach.  Students then worked on two Khan Skills.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. organize data when appropriate.
  2. calculate the mean.
  3. determine a more accurate Measure of Central Tendency, mean, median or mode.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete the following Khan Skill.  (Make sure you log-in before you begin.)
  2. watch my video explanation on last night's Evening Practice and leave a post with only your first name telling me what appears on the screen during the video.  

Look for something unusual in the video
and post what occurs.
In Pre-Algebra today, students were in the computer lab inputting their Chapter One Formative Pre-test scores into a Google Form.  The purpose of this activity is for Ms. Banjoff, Mr. Hartwell and myself to analyze more thoroughly our assessment data in an attempt to find overall strengths and areas of concern within individual units in our curriculum.  We will do a similar thing once we conclude the unit with our summative post-test.  

Once we finished inputting data, students began Lesson 1-4: Solving Equations using Multiplication and Division.  Students applied similar strategies to yesterday's lesson in solving today's lesson.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. simplify the equation if needed.
  2. isolate the variable to one side of the equation.
  3. evaluate the equation.
  4. check to make sure that their solution balances the equation.
For Evening Practice, student CAN...
  1. First Period:
    • complete Lesson 1-4: Interactive Problem Solving (ALL).
    • complete Lesson 1-4: Homework and Practice (1 - 18 odds, 19 and 20)
  2. Third Period:
    • complete 23 - 28 and 41 - 47 on textbook pages 21 and 22.


  1. Hey Mr.Giomini it was Mrs.Carlin good vlog bye bye

    Anthony M

  2. the person is mrs.carlin

  3. The person in the video is Mrs.Carlin

  4. the picture is Mrs carlin


  5. MRS.Carlin was the lady on the video

  6. Mr.Giomini the video was awesome the teacher was Mrs Carlin

  7. The picture is Mrs.Carlin


  8. The Picture is of Mrs. Carlin :)
    - Jennifer

  9. The picture on the video was Mrs.Carlin.


  10. the picture of Mrs. Carlin is the odd thing out.


  11. The picture was of Mrs. Carlin -Devan

  12. The picture at the end of the video was of
    MRS. carlin


  13. The person that was in the video was Mrs. Carlin.


  14. Mr Giomini

    Mrs. Carlin's picture popped up on your video.


  15. the picture was of Mrs.carlin

