Friday, August 24, 2012

Class Topics: 08.24.12

In Math Six today,students were given their Unit One Formative Pre-test back to view.  Once we placed that assessment piece into our binder, we began Lesson 1.2: Line Plots.  We reviewed some common terms from last year such as mean, mode and median and began to refer to those as measures of central tendency which is a change from last year.

Mr. Giomini modeled how to construct a line plot using a set of data. Students later created their own line plots in small groups and inferred as to what their data might reference based on questions that we asked in class. 
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. explain the different measures of central tendency and how to calculate them when given data.
  2. construct a line plot graph in a small group.
  3. develop an inference based on the data in the line plot.
For Weekend Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete Math Box 1.2, numbers two through five using the Google Form on the blog.

In Pre-Algebra today, students were given their Chapter One Formative Pre-tests back to view.  We then began Lesson 1-1: Variables and Expressions.  This lesson provided us with a great deal of vocabulary for the chapter: variable, coefficient, algebraic expressions, constant, evaluate and substitute.

We then moved on to evaluating algebraic expressions with one and two variables.  Students partnered together to complete some example problems and checked each others' work.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. communicate using appropriate algebraic terms when discussing algebraic expressions and equations.
  2. evaluate algebraic expressions when given specific values.
For Weekend Practice, the students CAN...
  1. complete Problem Solving 1.1 using the Google Form on the blog.


  1. The different topics of mathematics whether quadratic,algebraic and differential equations all are used to solve word problems of real life.
