Thursday, May 24, 2012

Class Topics: 05.24.12

In EDM today, students worked with Lesson 7-3: Analyze Units.  This is a challenging lesson where we began to lay the foundation for future work with conversion factors.  Some of the more basic problems that students worked with today are listed below:
  • The average American uses 580 pounds of paper per year.  Find the number of pounds of paper the average American uses per month, to the nearest tenth.
  • Sam drives his car 23,000 miles per year.  Find the number of miles he drives per month.
  • A car traveled 60 miles on a road in 2 hours.  How many feet per second was the car traveling?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. create an initial ratio to determine what is being compare in the problem.
  2. develop a plan to simplify the problem.
  3. convert different units using conversion factors.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. enjoy the early release day.
  2. view the video below to help with tomorrow's class.

Pre-Algebra did not meet today due to our Guidance lesson, but I have posted a video below to help students with Wednesday's Evening Practice.  We will take the Chapter 10 Mid-Quiz on Friday in the Media Center Computer Lab.

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