Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Class Topics: 05.23.12

In EDM today, students began a new unit of study that once again incorporated some of our Per-Algebra curriculum.  Mr. Giomini introduced Lesson 7-1: Ratios and Proportions.  This was a nice review for material that we had done previously in EDM and is a skill that is utilized in the seventh grade up at Learwood.  An example question from today's lesson would be: At 4°C, two cubic feet of silver has the same mass as 21 cubic feet of water.  At 4°C, would 105 cubic feet of water have the same mass as 10 cubic feet of silver?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. create a ratio when given a scenario.
  2. compare two ratios using a proportion.
  3. simplify two ratios to determine if they are a proportion.
  4. solve for missing values in a proportion by using cross product.
For Evening Practice, student CAN...
  1. use their previously learned skills to solve the problems on 7-1: Practice A. 
  2. play on Google's Homepage today to create your own music.
In Pre-Algebra today, students first analyzed Monday night's homework in a Google Spreadsheet to look for common errors.  Mr. Giomini then introduced Lesson 10-3: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides.  

To solve multistep equations with variables on both sides, first combine like terms and clear fractions. Then add or subtract variable terms to both sides so that the variable occurs on only one side of the equation. Then use properties of equality to isolate the variable. Some example problems of something the students saw in class were:
  • 10z – 15 – 4z = 8 – 2z - 15
  • Jamie spends the same amount of money each morning.  On Sunday, he bought a newspaper for $1.25 and also two doughnuts.  On Monday, he bought a newspaper for fifty cents and bought five doughnuts.  On Tuesday, he spent the same amount of money and bought just doughnuts.  How many doughnuts did he buy on Tuesday?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. combine like terms when working with equations.
  2. identify and use numbers LCM (Least Common Multiples) to eliminate fractions in an equation.  
  3. use properties to isolate and solve for variables.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. use today's skills to complete problems 2, 6, 7, 12, 16, 18, 20, 30 - 32 on the Google Form.
  2. play on Google's Homepage today to create your own music.
Another "Call Me Maybe" Video

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post and I am here to discuss about algebra that is,Algebra is the most important and simple topic in mathematics, Its a branch of mathematics that substitutes letters in place of numbers means letters represent numbers and In algebra 2 we study many things like complex number system change in symbols and functions etc.
