Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Class Topics: 05.15.12

In EDM today, Mr. Giomini and the students reviewed last night' homework before beginning on Lesson 8.7: More Applications of Percents.  This lesson introduced us to: interest, simple interest principal and rate of interest.  We utilized the formula I = P * r * t to help us with solving problems similar to:  John’s parents deposited $1000 into a savings account as a college fund when he was born.  How much will John have in this account after 18 years at a yearly simple interest rate of 3.25%?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. solve two-step equations.
  2. substitute given values for various variables into a formula.
  3. evaluate for an unknown.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. use the formula  I = P * r * t to solve the problems on 8.7 Practice A.
In Pre-Algebra today, Mr. Giomini and the students reviewed briefly for the Chapter Nine Summative Post-test.  Once questions were clarified, students began the summative post-test.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. find experimental and theoretical probability, including compounding events.
  2. model experiments using simulations.
  3. determine whether a situation is a permutation or combination.
  4. calculate the odds in favor and against an event occurring.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. check GBW for you grade which should be posted during the evening.
  2. watch the Harvard baseball team sing Mr. Giomini's favorite song.
The Harvard Baseball Team 
practicing permutations before
a big game.


  1. Your blog is very informative and I am here to discuss about algebra that is,It is that part of mathematics in which numbers and quantities in formula and equations can be represented by letters and other symbols.

  2. i didn't know if you noticed but at the end of the video the guy with the head phones gets on the phone and says hey mom haha
