Friday, May 11, 2012

Class Topics: 05.11.12

In EDM today, students solved problems such as "16 is 64% of what number?" and "find the percent change from 12 to 18."  They collaborated with a peer to complete the percent change problems while the initial skill was assessed and entered into GBW.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. set-up a proportion.
  2. translate a word phrase into an algebraic equation.
  3. find a number when a percent is known.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. enjoy the weather.
In Pre-Algebra today, students collaborated with peers to solve problems in Lesson 9.8: Odds.  This was a self-directed lesson for the students.  Once students solved several of the problems from the text, we discussed and modeled the questions as a class to gain clarity if needed.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. convert between probabilities and odds.
  2. determine the odds in favor and odds against.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. review for next Thursday's Chapter Nine Summative Post-test by making corrections to their Chapter Nine Formative Pre-test.
  2. post an answer and explanation to the question below.
    • If three dice are thrown (rolled), what are the odds against rolling a total of 10?


  1. Replies
    1. Chase,

      The question asks for the odds against and then you need to explain how you came up with the answer.

  2. I think the answer is 7:3. The steps I took in doing this were first, three over ten, because the two pieces of information you get are three and ten. I decided to put three over ten because the example said, The probability of an event is m/n. I followed the next steps, which were m:(n-m), and I substituted to get 3:(10-3), which equals 3:7. However, this is only for odds in favor, and the problem asked for odds against. So, to get odds against, you do (n-m):m. If you substitute the values, you get (10-3):3, otherwise known as 7:3.


  3. I think the odds against rolling a total of ten is 7:3. I figured this out by using the formula converting probabilities to odds. I used 3 for m and 10 for n. I just plugged in the numbers and got 7:3.


  4. I think it is 19:197.
    I got this by finding the probability of not getting 10, which is 197 over 216. I then used the formula of converting probabilities to odds and got 19:197.

  5. When I was working with Emily and Sam about odds against and for I totally got it... now I'm not so sure. Now I feel like I have to go through the process of finding out how many options for three six-sided die equals ten. Then I would use the little picture you have about finding the odds and find the answer. Only two problems. One, I can't get my head around this. It's like last year. It could take me as long as a week to understand something. Two... I forgot about this up until now... Yeah, a bit of a problem. I'm really sorry!


  6. The odds against rolling a 10 would be 213/3 or 72/1. I got this because there are 216 possible outcomes with 3 die and 3 different combinations (2+2+6 3+3+4 4+4+2) So the odds would be 213/3 or 72/1 against rolling a 10. (Unless the combinations could be flipped like 2+6+2 as well as 2+2+6)


  7. the answer is 12.5 to 9600/8%
