Thursday, May 10, 2012

Class Topics: 05.10.12

In EDM today, students evaluated their results on the Chapter Eight Formative Pre-test that was administered yesterday in class.  This chapter is being pulled from Troy's Pre-Algebra textbook.  Mr. Giomini then spent time discussing the answers to last night's homework from 8.3 Practice A.  Based on pre-test results, students were divided into smaller pods and given collaborative tasks that were appropriate for their current level of understanding for Chapter Eight: Percents.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be ABLE to...
  1. calculate the specific percent of a given number.
  2. calculate the percent change between two numbers and determine whether that change is an increase or decrease.
  3. utilize knowledge of percents to solve story problems involving multiple-step solutions.  
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. choose one of the three links below to practice their percent skills.
In Pre-Algebra today, Mr. Giomini spent time discussing last night's homework which dealt with Independent and Dependent Events.  Once that was concluded, students collaborated in pairs or pods to utilize their probability skills to complete a handout dealing with Independent and Dependent Events.   
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be ABLE to...
  1. determine whether an event is either an independent or dependent event.
  2. calculate the probability of event occurring based on a given scenario.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. utilize their new skills from this chapter to correct errors on the front side of their Chapter Nine Formative Pre-test.
  2. preview the video posted below dealing with odds and post an answer to the question below:
    • Out of the last 24 Summer Olympics, an American has won the gold medal in 400-meter dash 16 times.  Estimate the odds that an American will win the gold medal in the 400-meter dash in the next Summer Olympics.  


  1. I think that the odds in favor of an American winning the gold medal is 8 to 16. Well I'm confused if it would be 8 to 16 or 16 to 8.


  2. I think that the odds of winning another gold medal in the 400-meter dash is


  3. Ok, so I think it works like this. The number of favorable outcomes (16) out of the total outcomes (24) would mean he has a 16/24 chance, so the odds of that would be 16:24 or 2:3. Final Answer: The American's odds of winning the 400-meter dash this year would be 2:3. (Odds against him 3:2) By the way I am very excited for the Summer Olympics this year in London, this question is fitting for the upcoming summer, :D Thanks.


    1. I am glad that you enjoyed the comment Daggett. The Olympic torch actually began its journey to London either Wednesday or Thursday.
