Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Class Topics: 05.09.12

In EDM today, students utilized their skills with percents, fractions and decimals to complete their last formative pre-test.  This next unit is taken from our Pre-Algebra textbook.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student showed if they CAN...
  1. write equivalent percents, decimals and fractions.
  2. find the missing value in a percent problem.
  3. solve percent problems involving discounts, sales tax and tips.
  4. calculate the amount of simple interest.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. use your knowledge of percents and equations to solve the odd problems on Practice A.       (CLICK HERE)
Laughs on command.
In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed their homework from Monday night to check for understanding.  Once everyone was clear on permutations and combinations, we moved into Lesson 9.7: Independent and Dependent Events.  Examples we discussed in class included: A drawer contains 10 black socks and 6 blue socks.  If two socks are chosen at random, what is the probability of getting a pair of black socks?
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  • distinguish between an independent and dependent event.
  • calculate the probability of independent events.
  • calculate the probability of dependent events.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. use their new independent and dependent skills to solve problems 1 - 14 and 19 - 26 on pages 480 and 481.
Dependent Events
Independent Events
More Independent Events
A problem we began in class
with the real Matthew Meeker.

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