Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Class Topics: 05.02.12

In EDM today, students and Mr. Giomini discussed Lesson 8.12: Golden Ratio.  We viewed one of the videos posted below to help connect the Golden Ratio to us.  While discussing the video, we measured the length of our arm from elbow to finger tip and divided that by the length from our elbow to wrist to see if we could find the Golden Ratio which is said to exist in the ideal human.  Unfortunately, Mr. Giomini fell way below the Golden Ratio standard.

Students then collaborated in pairs or pods to complete Math Journal pages 320 and 321.  Once the time limit for completing the task expired, we compared answers with another pair or pod.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. apply place-value concepts to round decimals to the nearest tenth.
  2. compare part-to-part ratios.
  3. apply division rules to find n-to-1 ratios.
  4. use appropriate tools to construct similar figures.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. use mathematical knowledge to complete Math Journal 322.
  2. demonstrate understanding of Unit Eight skills by completing Study Link.  (CLICK HERE for Link)

In Pre-Algebra today, students were introduced to Lesson 9.5: The Fundamental Counting Principle.  This principle helps us to determine the possible number of outcomes for certain events.  We created tree diagrams to help us explain our responses to several questions listed below:
  • When Mr. Giomini gets dressed for school he opens his closet to find that he has the following choices:  a pink, blue or white shirt; black, blue or purple tie gray or tan pants; brown or black shoes.  How many different outfits could be made with these choices?
  • You go to the cafeteria for lunch and have a choice of 4 entrees, 5 sides, 5 drinks and 4 desserts.  Assuming you have one of each category, how many different lunches could be made?
  • A computer randomly generates a 5-character password of 2 letters followed by 3 digits.  All passwords are equally likely.
    • Find the number of possible passwords.
    • Find the probability of being assigned the password MQ836.
    • Find the possibility of a password not containing an A.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. determine the possible number of outcomes of an event.
  2. use the Fundamental Counting Principle to find the probability of an event occurring.
  3. create a tree diagram to solve a probability scenario.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. use their Fundamental Counting Principle skills to answer questions 1 - 21 on pages 469-470.

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