Monday, April 30, 2012

Class Topics: 04.30.12

In EDM today, students prepared for their Unit Eight Summative Post-test by completing Lesson 8.10: Similar Polygons.  This lesson developed a better understanding of proportions and scale factor by utilizing shapes that the students had to compare.  Students collaborate in pairs or pods to complete various constructions using pattern blocks on Math Journal pages 314 and 315.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. define a polygon.
  2. identify pairs of corresponding sides and angles.
  3. use proportions to solve problems involving similar polygons.
  4. construct a trapezoid using other trapezoids to create a 1:3 scale factor.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete Math Box 8.10 on page 313.
  2. review previous Math Journal pages and Unit Eight Formative Pretest in preparation for Friday's Summative Post-test.

In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed briefly for their Chapter Nine Mid-Quiz for answering questions to a  model simulation.  Students then completed and graded their Chapter Nine Mid-Quiz.  We discussed any areas of concerns from the quiz results.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. calculate probability for events based on given conditions.
  2. use a simulation to determine the probability of an event occurring.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. enjoy the night off.
Coming later this week!

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