Monday, April 16, 2012

Class Topics: 04.16.12

In EDM today, students shared with Mr. Giomini some of their Spring Break stories until he became overwhelmed.  We then discussed some of the TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES that should be implemented while taking the OAAs next week.  Once strategies were listed and modeled, students completed several released OAA questions using both the strategies and a timer to assist in monitoring progress.
Today's Learning Intentions: Students will be able to...
  1. circle verbs in OAA type questions.
  2. underline key words in problems.
  3. box numbers that can be used to help solve problems.  
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete Math Box 8.5 in their Math Journal.

In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed their Chapter Eight Summative Posttest from before Spring Break.  As of this post, some assessments where still incomplete so a class average and graph will be posted tomorrow.  Once assessments where reviewed, students completed Probe III in preparation for the actual OAA's next week.
Today's Learning Intentions: Students will be able to...
  1. evaluate their mistakes from the Chapter Eight Summative Posttest.
  2. reflect on the assessment and determine whether they would like a retake.
  3. complete the Chapter Nine Formative Pretest.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete numbers 1-4 and 5-32 (odds).
Over the break, Mr. Giomini had an opportunity to read something other than Probes and Game of Chance write-ups.  I finished The Scorch Trials which is an intense sequel to The Maze Runner.  If you enjoyed the first book of the trilogy, I highly recommend this book.  Thanks to Carter for letting me borrow his copy. 

Currently, I am reading The Road which was turned into a movie back in 2009.  Hopefully I will be done by the end of the week.  If you like post-apocalyptic books that allow you to envision what Earth might be like in the future, grab it and read.  I warn you, it is dark.     

1 comment:

  1. The Road is one of my all-time favorite novels. It makes a great companion to 1984, Brave New World, Hunger Games, Battle Royale, and The Giver. All dystopian, all excellent.
