Thursday, April 05, 2012

Class Topics: 04.05.12

In EDM today, students were completing various tasks before leaving for the long break.  In First Period, students collaborated with a colleague and selected one of two tasks that dealt with proportions.  Part of the each activity dealt with creating an algebraic expression that would accurately reflect the data displayed in a table.

Third Period began and hopefully completed their third Discovery Education Benchmark Assessment.  This assessment allows the teacher and student to monitor and discuss achievement over the course of three similar assessments.

Fifth Period completed their Unit Eight Formative Pretest which dealt with ratios.
Today Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. apply previously learned skills to a new problem situation.  (First, Third and Fifth Period)
  2. create appropriate ratios for certain problem situations.  (First, Third and Fifth Period)
  3. compare ratios.  (Fifth Period)
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. practice various review skills on Khan Academy.
  2. be kind to  your family and friends.
In Pre-Algebra today, students completed their Chapter Eight Summative Posttest.  The chapter dealt with percents and numerous applications for them in real-life situations.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. demonstrate their knowledge of percents and their different applications in real-life situations.
For Evening Practice, students CAN..
  1. practice various Khan Skills using Khan Academy.
  2. be kind to your friends and family.
A face only a mother
or dog
could love.


  1. A blind optimist might get lucky and like it. ;)


  2. You were the best.

    -The Heart Break Kid and Jacobson ps troy is the best

  3. How's the hair? Oh wait... my bad.
