Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Class Topics: 04.03.12

In EDM today, students completed the third installment of their OAA Probes that have been designed to help boost student achievement on the OAA in Mathematics later this month.  The skills assessed on this probe were:
  1. determining the missing number in a pattern using an Input-Output Table.
  2. calculating the area of a two rectangles and comparing their dimensions.
  3. analyzing and creating a ratio based on a diagram.
  4. demonstrating knowledge of their divisibility rules.
  5. applying their knowledge of mode to solve a problem situation.
  6. calculating unit price to determine the cost of a several products.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. use Test Taking Strategies to assist in solving various mathematical problems.
  2. show improvement from their previous Probe results.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. view the Khan Video of Writing Proportions.
  2. complete the Khan Skill: Proportion I by Thursday.
  3. First Period Probability Carnival
Third Period Probability Carnival

Fifth Period Probability Carnival
In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed their responses to the front side of their Chapter Eight Formative Pre-test that was given back two weeks ago.  Lesson 8.7: More Applications of Percents was introduced which dealt with interest, simple interest, principal and rate of interest.  We utilized the formula I = P * r * t.  Refer to the picture below to understand what each variable represents.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. identify what the variables stand for in our Simple Interest Formula.
  2. substitute given values into the formula to solve various story problems involving interest.
  3. use the Simple Interest Formula to solve story problems similar to the ones found on tonight's homework.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete 8.7 Problem Solving by printing it from HERE.
  2. review Lesson 8.7 Power Point to help complete Guided Notes for today.
  3. complete corrections to the Chapter Eight Formative Pre-test.
  4. review for the Chapter Eight Summative Posttest on Thursday, April 5th.  

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