Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Class Topics: 03.28.12

In EDM today, students collaborated with both peers and Mr. Giomini to fine tune their rough drafts.  Students made lists of materials that they will need to complete their Probability Project for our Carnival on Friday.  We discussed the rubric for the project and posted it to the blog so that students can refer to it during the extra time off.
Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. explain their game of chance to a peer.
  2. calculate their theoretical probability for their game of chance.
  3. correct errors in their rough draft once it has been critiqued by peers.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. polish up their rough drafts.
  2. construct any materials that are needed for their games of chance.

Probability on a TV show.  I thought
it was only in class.
Can you create a tree diagram for this 
game show?
A Game of Chance

In Pre-Algebra today, students completed a Warm Up that included finding the percent increase or decrease from one number to another.  Once we graded our Warm Up we reviewed homework from last night especially number twenty-five.  After questions were clarified, we introduced Lesson 8.5: Estimating with Percents.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. generate estimates by using compatible numbers.  
  2. simplify fractions and multiply fractions by whole numbers.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. answer the following question and post it to the blog. 
    • If you enlarge a picture by 25%, by what percent do you need to reduce it to return it to its original size?  (Hint: Try using a simple number for the original area of the picture.)


  1. Mr.Giomini,
    I just watched the video and hope to remember it for class later. Thanks!

    Antoniewicz :)

  2. THE ANSWER IS 20% P.S Matt told me how to answer it.

    Mr. Vocaire

  3. The answer is you would decrease it by 20%

    From Jared

  4. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I think I got all 2 points on the quick check at class.


  5. 25% of 5= 1.25
    5+1.25= 6.25
    1.25/6.25= .2
    20% is the final answer... I think...

  6. To get the picture back to its original size, it would be reduced by 20%...I figured this out by having 12 as my area. 12*.25=3 12+3=15

    3/15=0.2 or 20%


  7. The picture has to be enlarged by 43.75%

    The Smarter and Better Looking Egyptian

  8. I say it is 50%.


  9. I used my area as 10. Then I took 10 times 0.25. Which equals 2.5. Then I took 10 plus 2.5 which is 12.5. After that I took 2.5 divided by 12.5 which equals 20%


  10. The picture has to be enlarged by 20%

    Cheesy Ninja :)

  11. To get the picture back to its original size you would have to reduce it by 20%. I found this answer by multiplying 48*1.25=60. I multiplied 48 by 1.25 because multiplying by 25% would be reducing the size. Then I subtracted 48 from 60,then i subtracted 48 by 60 to get it back to the original size. I got 12. 12/60=0.2=20%


  12. I think that the picture will have to be reduced by 20% I used the area of 10.

    10* 25% or 0.25= 2.5
    2.5/12.5= 0.2 or 20%

    Dichosa ;p

  13. 20% I don't know I guessed... not really sure what to do..

    Frank N' Beans

  14. Mr. Giomini I only got one point and I realize what I did wrong.

    Photo booth

  15. I am not really sure... I asked Sarah for help and she didn't give me any...


  16. The answer is 20%

    Rish Fish a.k.a Johnny Appleseed a.k.a. Pikachu a.k.a. fedora

  17. The photo will have to have been enlarged by 20%


  18. Not really sure, but I am saying 50%. I should probably do some extra work on this unit.


  19. I think the photo will be enlarged by 20%.


  20. So confuzzuled, I didn't know what to do but I took an Educated Guess. So I think its 20%.

