Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Class Topics: 03.27.12

In EDM today, students completed a review problems from last night's homework as a Quick Check once they arrived in class.  We then reviewed their homework from last night on Math Journal pages 269 and 271.  Together, we brainstormed some possible Probability Carnival games as a class.  Mr. Giomini shared some of his ideas with the class and linked some websites to the blog to help students with ideas.

After that students worked in small groups to brainstorm some ideas together about games of chance that they may create for Friday.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. identify possible outcomes when picking something out of a bag.
  2. calculate the probability that an event will occur.
  3. determine whether a game is fair or unfair based on their calculations.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete Math Journal 276.
  2. print out a copy of the Probability Carnival handout.
  3. create a rough draft for their idea for a game of chance.  

In Pre-Algebra today, students received their Chapter Eight Mid-Quiz.  The class average was a 99% which is  our best of the year.  It seems like we are peaking at the right time of the year.  Students discussed last night's homework with Mr. Giomini.  Lesson 8.4: Percent Increases and Decreases was reintroduced and students collaborated with peers to complete problems from their textbook.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. explain whether 150% increase or a 150% decrease is possible.
  2. compare finding a 20% increase to finding 120% of a number.
  3. explain how you could find the percent change if you knew the US populations in 1990 and 2000.
For Evening Practice, student CAN...
  1. complete 7, 8, 15, 16, 23 - 26, 29 - 34, and 37 - 40 on pages 416 - 419.


  1. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I got the tree diagram correct, but I did not get the fraction correct. Also, I understand the mistake I did of getting the fraction or the possibility.


  2. Mr. Giomini,
    I did not get any of the question right and i am really sad about that.

  3. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I got the tree diagram and the fraction correct. This is better than what I got yesterday so I am happy.


  4. Mr. Giomini I got the questions right

    Photo booth

  5. Mr. Giomini,

    I got it wrong because I didn't know how to do some of the branches.

  6. Hey mr giomini!!! i watched the other video before it was due but didnt post it i watched it again though and i got the answer corect. but i did unexecctabley on the recent quick check i worked with all numbers instead of colrs and i also got the wrong idea i thought the answer
    was unfair. so i will need to work on tree diagrams
    PS i had trouble understanding why we did colors...
    other than that my projects going well sincerly SKYWALKER

  7. Mr.Giomini,
    I got the tree diagram right, but not the fraction, I didn't really understand it and I didn't have enough time to finish so I kind of guessed. I have learned from my mistakes and will hopefully do better next time.

    Antoniewicz :)

  8. Hey Mr.Giomini,I now relize what i did wrong. So thanks for posting that video.

  9. Hey giomini i watched the video and it really elped me under stand the problem this morning

  10. Mr. Giomini,

    I watched all three videos, and I did get the question correct! :)


  11. I got the question right this morning :)
