Thursday, March 29, 2012

Class Topics: 03.29.12

In EDM today, students continued preparing their Game of Chance(Probability) project.  Please refer to the materials on the blog to assist you in the assignment or contact me if needed.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. calculate the theoretical probability for their game of chance.
  2. revise their project documentation if needed.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete all the components of their Game of Chance(Probability) Project.
Quick Check: Are you viewing this in the morning?

In Pre-Algebra today, students began Lesson 8.5: Estimating with Percents because we were unable to get to it yesterday due to our shortened schedules.  We discussed two different ways to estimate with percents for problems such as 26% of 48.  Students began their homework in class once the material was introduced.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. estimate a certain number when given the percent of another number.
  2. determine how to find 35% of a number when you nearly equivalent to each of the following percents: 23%, 53%, 65%, 12% and 76%.
  3. explain a method for estimating a 15% - 20% tip on a $24.89 bill.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete odds 1 - 27, 31 - 33 on pages 420 - 423.

1 comment:

  1. Dear mr giomini YAWN, i got on the blog and watched both videos this morinig an we use the same idea????
