Monday, March 26, 2012

Class Topics: 03.26.12

In EDM today, students reviewed Math Box 7.7 with Mr. Giomini which was homework over the weekend.  We then discussed Lesson 7.7: Fair and Unfair Games.  After sharing some ideas for fair and unfair games we played on interactive racing game online.  Each time we played the game we changed the parameters of the game to determine whether the game was fair or unfair.  Once that was done, students paired up to complete Math Journal pages 268 and 269 with a partner.

For the remainder of the week, students will design a game for our Carnival which will be held on Friday, March 30th during our regular class period.
Today Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. determine whether a game is fair or unfair. 
  2. support their claim with calculations based on a table or tree diagram.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. develop ideas for a game for our Probability Carnival on Friday.
  2. complete Math Journal 268 and 269 if they were not completed in class.
  3. complete Math Box 7.8 in their Math Journal.
  4. view Mr. Hartwell's video explaining our Probability Project.
  5. view Mr. Giomini's video explaining the question from this morning and share whether you had the question correct.  If you didn't state where your mistake was in the problem.

Did you get the problem right today?

In Pre-Algebra today, students completed their Mid-Chapter Eight Quiz.  This quiz covered the skills addressed in Lessons 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.  While the assessment was taking place, Mr. Giomini conferenced with students to discuss their Probe II results.  We briefly introduced Lesson 8.4: Percent Increase and Decrease.  Recall that percent change equals amount of change over original amount. 
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. exhibit their current level of understanding by completing the Mid-Chapter Eight Quiz. 
  2. calculate the amount of change between two items.
  3. determine if the change is an increase or decrease.
  4. find the sale price of an item when the original price and discount is given.  
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. answer the questions posted below either to the blog or on paper and pencil.
    • Find the percent increase or decrease to the nearest percent.
      • from 12 to 15
      • from 1625 to 1400
      • from 37 to 12
      • from 1.25 to 0.85
      • A computer game originally sold for $40 but is now on sale for 30% off.  What is the sale price of the computer game?


  1. I cant watch the videos my computer won't let me nor the school's.


  2. 1.Increase 25
    2.Decrease 13.8
    3.Decrease 67.6
    4.Decrease 32


  3. 1. Increase 25%
    2. Decrease 13.8%
    3. Decrease 67.6%
    4. Decrease 32%
    5. 28$

    Mr. Vocaire

  4. Mr. Giomini

    Yes, I did have the question from this morning correct!!


  5. Mr. Giomini,
    I did not get the rule right but i got the missing numbers right.

  6. Mr. Giomini
    I found the rule and first two numbers correctly, but I wasn't sure how to use my rule to find the first two numbers. I guessed and checked and had an awful explanation!


  7. Mr.Giomini,
    I did get the question right!


  8. Mr. Giomini I got the answer wrong but now i realize what i did wrong.

    Photo booth

  9. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I got the rule correct, but I did not get the missing numbers correct.


  10. Mr Giomini,

    I watched the video and I did get the problem right. I did not have a very good explanation though.


  11. Mr. Giomini

    I did get the question right this morning for morning work!


  12. Hi Mr. Giomini,
    I got the question right but I didn't get the second expression. I just started from 1 using the (x*2)+1 and to see which number would work.


  13. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I viewed the videos, and I got them both right!

  14. I did get the question right this morning but did not finish

  15. 1. Increase 20%
    2. Decrease 16%
    3. Decrease 20.8%
    4. Decrease 47%
    5. $12

    Frank N' Beans

  16. Mr.Giomini,

    I watched the video and I ended up getting the rule and the two missing numbers right, but I didn't have a very good explanation and I see how I can improve on that skill.


  17. Mr. Giomini,

    YAY! I did get the question right this morning for morning work!......I may or may not be dancing about it...
