Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Class Topics: 03.20.12

In EDM today, students were introduced to tree diagrams which help show all the possible outcomes when discussing different events.  Mr. Giomini modeled to the class how to read and complete a tree diagram using some of his weekend clothes.  As a class, we then completed MJ 257.  Students collaborated with peers to complete MJ258 in pairs.  Responses were shared as a class.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. use a tree diagram to find expected outcomes for chance events.
  2. compare their experimental (actual) results to the theoretical (predicted) results.  
  3. design a tree diagram for their own probability test.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete Math Box 7.4.
  2. complete Study Link 7.4 which is posted to the blog.  (Can be printed out at school or home.)

Sorry, I don't own red sneakers.
Tree Diagram on a table.  
In Pre-Algebra today, students received their Chapter Seven Summative Posttest.  The class average was a 97% on the assessment.  Congratulations!  Students then utilized Khan Academy to assist in front loading material for Chapter Eight: Percents.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. convert decimals into percents.
  2. convert percents into decimals.
  3. calculate specific percents of a number using real-life examples.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete the Khan Links listed below.  These were started in class today during sixth period.
Chapter Seven Summative Posttest Results
This is me smiling about your
test scores.  It's hard to find
a picture of me physically


  1. Mr. Giomini, I didn't print the study link at school and my printer isn't working. But if I can get a computer at recess tomorrow, I'll get it done then.
    -Jack Williams

  2. Great job in pre-algebra!

    I also like your physical tree diagram; a concrete way to understand probability.
