Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Class Topics: 03.14.12

In EDM today, students worked with probability and specifically Lesson 7.1: Probabilities When Outcomes are Equally Likely and Lesson 7.2: Generating Random Numbers.  In these two lessons, students created fractions to show number of favorable outcomes to number of possible outcomes.  We also explained why some experiments are not fair.  Students conducted a simple experiment to generate random numbers using five cards.
Today's Learning Intentions: A student will be able to...
  1. calculate the probabilities for various experiments with equally likely outcomes.
  2. determine whether an experiment is fair or unfair.  
  3. observe how the distribution of outcomes vary with the number of trials.  
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete Math Journal 252.
  2. explain why the top spinner is unfair in a post to today's comments.

In Pre-Algebra today, students worked in Lesson 7.8: Scale Models.  We discussed how extremely large and small objects often have scale models created.  These three-dimensional models accurately represent a solid object.  Below is an example of one discussed in class:
  • What scale factor relates a 20 in. scale model to an 80 ft apatosaurus?  
    • 20 in : 80 ft - state the scale
    • 20/80 = 1/4 = 1/48, The scale factor is 1/48 or 1:48 - write scale as a ratio and simplify.
Today's Learning Intentions: A student will be able to...
  1. explain how you would find the width of the model house in Example 3.
    • A model of a 27 ft tall house was made using the scale 2 in:3 ft.  What is the height of the model?  
  2. describe how you would find the scale factor for a model of the Statue of Liberty.  What information would you need to have?
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete numbers 1 - 9 and 16 - 18 on pages 376 - 378.


  1. The graph on the top is not fair because not all parts of the graph are equal. Also some letter are in the sections more than others. So that would make this graph unfair.

    Antoniewicz :)

  2. Spinner one is unfair because the spaces aren't even so one area has a more likely chance to land on than the smaller one.


  3. Mr. Giomini
    the top chart is not fair because the parts are not even and the numbers are out of order.


  4. Mr.Giomini,

    The second graph is unfair because all of the sections are not even.


  5. hey mr giomini i checjed the graph it seems all of the sections are different sizes all numbers have the same amount of sections so thats about it

    Im the first COMMET!!!!!! SKYWALKER

  6. The thing that is un fare about the spinner is the sises of the coloms. The coloms deed to all be the same sises


  7. The top spinner is unfair because all the sections are not equal. Olivia jedlicka

  8. The top one is unfair because the sections are different sizes. This would effect the outcome because there would be less probability for some of the numbers.


  9. Mr. Giomini,
    It is not fair because not all of the slices are the same size. Like some are bigger than others.

  10. The top spinner is not fair because all of the sections are not the same size.
    ~Rae Enders period 1

  11. Mr.Giomini,

    The graphs are not fair, I say this because the first graph has a slice double the size of a normal one.


  12. Mr Giomini,

    The spinner is not fair because it has an unequal chance of landing on a number. Ex: You would have a much better chance landing on 3.

  13. The one with no name is Blue's.

  14. Mr.Giomini

    It is not fair because all of the slices are not the same size. So there is a greater probability that an other slice will get picked.


  15. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I think it is not fair because some of the sections are smaller and some are bigger than others.


  16. Mr. Giomini

    The top graph is not fair because not all the sizes are congruent. Whereas on the second graph. That matters because if you want to have an equal chance of landing on each spaces when you spin then you need all the sizes to be the same.


  17. The top graph isn't fair because the slices are not even to each other like the bottom graph.

  18. The top spinner is not fair because all of the sections are not the same size.


  19. Hi Mr. Giomini! The graph above is unfair because the graph below it is divided into equal parts. The graph above has unequal parts and it is not fair.


  20. The graph is unfair or uneven because all the shapes or spots are not all the same size.The other graph is even because all the shapes are the same.


  21. Mr. Giomini,

    I think the graph in the top is unfair because some of the sections are smaller than the others. They should be equal sections in both graphs.


  22. Mr. Giomini,
    The top spinner is unfair because not all the pieces are equal also not all the numbers are n order.

  23. Mr Giomini,
    I think it is unfair because the some of the sections are smaller and others are larger.

  24. Mr. Giomini
    I think it is unfair because all of the sections are not even.

    Nora Meyer

  25. The top spinner is unfair because it has a greater chance on landing one and less on the others.

  26. Mr.Giomini,

    The top spinner is not fair because not all if the pieces are not equal.

    Tortie AKA birthday girl

  27. The two graph's are not equal because the sides's are not equal on one all the side's are equal so they will not have true data because it is not fair or congruent

    Zechariah saffer

  28. Dear Mr.Giomini
    The top sinner is unfair because not all the pieces are equal to each other so some have a greater chance of bring landed on while others have a lesser chance.

    Maxwell W

  29. Mr. Giomini

    The top spinner is unfair because it has un even parts and the bottom has equal sides

    Photo booth, Parker

  30. I think it is unfair because some of the sections are smaller and some are bigger than others.


  31. Mr.
    I think the top is unfair because the probability should be even because some sections are larger than others

  32. The top spinner is not fair because the sections in it are not equal so there would not be an equal chance of getting all of them.

    Senior Anderson

  33. The top spinner is unfair because not all of the pieces are not equal so the pieces wont have and equal chance of getting landed on. The bottom spinner is fair because all the pieces are equal so each piece will have an equal chance of getting landed on.

    Mackenzie Bateman

  34. mr. giomini,

    the top spinner is unfair because all of the sides are not equal.


  35. The top spinner is not fair because almost all of the sections are unequal. Some are bigger, some are smaller. - Mad Jack

  36. The top spinner is not fair because not all of the different parts of the spinner are equal in size. This gives an unfair advantage to the bigger parts of the spinner.

    5th Period

  37. I think that the top spinner is unfair because every triangle does not have an equal chance of being landed upon. The bottom spinner is fair because every triangle has an equal chance and also the numbers are in order unlike the top spinner.

    Josh Novotny

  38. i think the top spinner in unfair because all of the triangles are not equal which means not everyone has a fair chance to get landed upon which makes the bottom one fair but the top one not

  39. Mr. Giomini,
    The top gragh doesnt have equal intervols, but the 2nd graph does. It is not very fair to use the top graph as a spinner.


  40. The top spinner is unfair because there not the same size.


  41. The top spinner is not fair because some sections are bigger than others. This makes for not equal results. Each section should be equal so the odds of picking each one is fair.

    Faith Lengen

  42. This is great; I love seeing all the responses. Nice job putting this together, Mr. Giomini. I wish I had had a math teacher like you when I was in sixth grade.
    -Mr. Hartwell
