Thursday, March 15, 2012

Class Topics: 03.15.12

In EDM, students discussed last night's homework on MJ 252.  Once the homework was reviewed, we completed our Second Probe.
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will able to...
  1. implement test-taking strategies to effectively complete their Second Probe.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • complete Math Box 7.3.
In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed last night's homework with Mr. Giomini.  Once we completed that task, we discussed Lesson 7.9: Scaling Three-Dimensional Figures.  As a group, we solved different examples from the Guided Practice and Independent Practice of the lesson in the text.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The students will be able to...
  1. create a ratio of corresponding edges.
  2. use a ratio to solve for corresponding areas of three dimensional shape.
  3. solve for the volume of a three dimensional shape using a ratio.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • complete problems on pages 382 - 385 numbers 9 - 16.

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