Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Class Topics: 03.13.12

In EDM today, students completed their Unit Seven Formative Pretest.  This unit will deals with probability which is one topic that we have not addressed previously.  Indicators that are met during this unit are listed below:
  1. describe the probability of an event using ratios, including fractional notation.
  2. compare experimental and theoretical results for a variety of simple exponents.
  3. make and justify predictions based on theoretical and experimental probabilities.  
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • complete Math Boxes 7.1 and 7.2.
In Pre-Algebra today, students worked in Lesson 7.7 - Scale Drawings.  While in class, we analyzed different applications of scale drawings.  Through reading different scenarios, students set-up appropriate proportions to solve various problems.
Today's Learning Intentions were that the students would be able to...
  1. make comparison between and find dimensions of scale drawing and actual objects.
  2. use new vocabulary terms correctly when discussing scale models.  (scale drawing, scale, reduction and enlargement)
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • solve the five problems listed below on a separate sheet of paper.
  • solve numbers 1 - 11 on page 374.
  • complete the Lesson 7.7 Practice B handout.
    • What is the scale model of a drawing in which a 9 ft wall is 6 cm long?
    • Using a one-fourth in. = 1 ft scale, how long would a drawing of a 22 ft car be?
    • The height of a person on a scale drawing is 4.5 in.  The scale is 1:16.  What is the actual height of the person?
    • The length of a map is 1 in. = 21 mi.  Find each length on the map.
      • 147 mi = ____ in
      • 5.25 mi = _____ in.

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