Monday, March 12, 2012

Class Topics: 03.12.12

In EDM today, students were introduced to some simple probability experiments such as flipping coins and evaluating spinners.  We discussed the difference between theoretical and experimental probability and when they occur prior to and after an experiment.
Our Learning Intentions for toady were to be able to...
  1. predict the theoretical outcomes of experiments.
  2. perform an experiment to check predictions.
  3. create a fraction that shows the outcome of an experiment.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • create a table to show how many possible outcomes there are when flipping three coins.
  • play some games on the Johnnie's Math Page.

Probability Chart for Rolling Dice

In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed skills from previous lessons in Unit Seven.   We began class by solving five problems from Lessons 7.1 - 7.5.  Students discussed different answers and critiqued others' answers.  For the remainder of class, students collaborated in pairs or pods to complete a Lesson 7.6 Problem Solving handout that dealt with Similar Figures.  
Our Learning Intentions for toady were to be able to...
  1. describe one way for two figures not to be similar.
  2. explain whether two congruent figures are similar.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • solve the two problems listed below.  All work must be shown in order to receive credit.
    • A rectangular house is 32 ft wide and 68 ft long.  On a blueprint, the width is 8 in.  Find the length on the blueprint.
    • Karen enlarged a 3 in. wide by 5 in. tall photo into a poster.  If the poster is 2.25 ft wide, how tall is the poster?


  1. Hi Mr. Giomini! I liked the website that you had us do in EDM. It was fun. I played heads or tails and virtual dice. It was cool.

  2. Dear Mr Giomini
    I fine most of these game hard. But its probably because I can't fined the directions.

    From Aubrey <3

  3. Dear Mr.Giomini
    I find most of the games challenging but its probably because we have not learned probability yet but wants we learn it they will get easier.


  4. the games were fun... my favorite was the three dice game, it was really fun. Casey Mann

  5. Mr.Giomini:

    I played heads or tails and it helped me understand how to read a probability chart.


  6. Mr.Giomini
    I played heads or tails and I had 5 coins with 500 trials. I found it interesting but when I tried 2 spinners it was really confusing on what to do not the probability.
    Riley 3 period

  7. Mr. Giomini i played 17 card guess. It was first very confusing and then it got easy.

  8. Mr Giomini,
    I played several games there were all great!


  9. Mr. Giomini,
    I did not like these games because they did not really teach you anything and you don't do anything.
    From, Klee

  10. I liked the spinier 1 and the tumble outcomes. I did not like the Santa bag because I did't get it to much.

    Josh Novotny#16

  11. These games were not the best because you do not do anything on them and they do not teach anything at all. I don't like this website.

    From: Birthday girl

  12. I thought that the games were boring but somewhat addicting

  13. I liked the coin flip game because I made is toss it 10 times and, after 30 flips i got 15 heads and 15 tails.
    Noah Wymer

  14. I didn't like either of the games I did. I did probability and Heads or Tails. I liked the one we did in class but it didn't let me do that one.

  15. Mr, Giomini

    I liked the spinner game because it was well organized and I was surprised that orange was one of the smallest wedges and it still had 11 times on that one compared to the next highest 9

    Evan Taylor

  16. Mr. Giomini,
    I played 6 games and at first they seemed confusing but then I eventually go them.


  17. I played a few games and I didn't really like it. I was kinda confuzzled. That's all I want to say.


  18. the website didn't realy help me a whole lot because the stuf that I knew was on there and the things that I had trouble with were not very helpful. But I think it'll be much more clear in class

  19. Mr Gio,

    I tried both ball drop games and the first spinner game. The first spinner game was kind of fun, seeing the points rack up on each color. The first ball drop game was kinda boring, and even though the second one looked awesome when turned on, but it went REALLY fast (in one column, it had 500 points in 45 seconds!) I guess they could benefit you, if you didn't have the supplies to do so.


  20. i had 44% in heads and the rest in tails

    kyle arends

  21. Mr. Giomini the games were fun but a little challenging but I got through them.


  22. For the coin toss I had 44% in heads and 56% in tails.

  23. Hey Mr. Giomini,
    My favorite game was the coin toss #2 because you could go on & on with the flipping and i ended up doing 254 trails.

    Count Mustachula

  24. I liked the games but some were boring

  25. MR. Giomini i played two games and i thought they were preaty good

    Chest Boy

  26. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    Some of the games were challenging to me because we did not learn a lot about probability but the more I played I got the hang of it.


  27. mr giomini my favorite one was trumble outcomes i got 10000 all in the left peg

  28. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I played several games and found them boring and not really helpful. This website seemed more for kids who didn't really know what probability is. Since i have a background from last year about this subject it was simple. I played Tumble Outcomes and some others.

    -MOMO :p

  29. i played pinko probability and heads or teals and dice roll


  30. Mr. Giomini,
    Some of the games I didn't understand but the more I played I started to get it.

  31. Hey Mr. Giomini!!!!!
    I thought the website was a good idea but some (most) of it wasn't very clear as to what they wanted us to do. I played the Santa one and I think it helped me a little bit but it was just kind of making me confused :P

    ~Mustard :D

  32. hey mr giomini,I checked out that coin game a went for a 10 coi trial and a 5 coin trial it seems like that 2 for the 2nd trial was the mode.


  33. Dear Mr.Giomini,
    I tried some of the games like Quincunx and i did 151 tries and there were 5 possible outcomes but all 151 had the same result, but others like probity i flew though and it helped and made sense.

    Maxwell W

  34. Dear Mr.Giomini,

    i tried some of the games but they were kind of confusing.


  35. Dear mr. Giomini,
    Sorry i'm posting this so late, but i just got home.
    I played virtual dice and i was pretty accurate! They didn't really help me though.
    Olivia Jedlicka

  36. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I played the virtual dice game but i think it the game was not accurate. It also did not help at all with Probability.


  37. the games kinda made no sense exsept santas bag. hosier

  38. Dear Mr. Giomini

    I am sorry this is late, but better late then never I guess I think that the math games were helpful and easy to use.

  39. I played coins and it kind of helped me with the home work


  40. i played the santa game and its confusing but sort of helped C.B.
