Monday, March 05, 2012

Class Topics: 03.05.12

In EDM today, students reviewed for tomorrow's Unit Six Summative Assessment.  We spent time addressing the skills that we felt were our weakest by solving problems and checking our answers to an Answer Key that was provided.

Our Learning Intentions for today:
1: I will be able to solve one-step and two-step equations.
2. I will be able to solve and graph one-step and two-step inequalities.
3. I will be able to evaluate algebraic expressions when substituting values for given variables.
4. I will be able to use the Distributive Property to simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms.

In class, students...

1. solved and checked several review problems in preparation for tomorrow's Unit Six Summative

For Evening Practice, students CAN...

1. view the videos posted below to help analyze the types of problems that are presented on tomorrow's
2. check over your Unit Six Formative Pretest once more.

In Pre-Algebra today, students analyzed their success and failures on their Chapter Seven Mid-Quiz.  The average score for the quiz was a 94% and I especially thrilled to see how well the students with converting 30 ft per second to how many miles her hour.  We then introduced and practiced skills from Lesson 7.5: Dilations.

Our Learning Intentions for today:
1. I will be able to
 self-reflect on my results from the Chapter Seven Mid-Quiz and answer "Why I made
    a mistake?" and "What I will do to make sure I don't make that error on the Chapter Seven Summative
    Assessment next week?".
2. I will be able to describe the image of a dilation with a scale factor of 1.
3. I will be able to compare a dilation with the origin as the center of dilation to a dilation with a vertex of
    the figure as the center of dilation.

In class, students...

1. defined a dilation as a transformation that changes size, but not the shape of a figure.
2. understood that scale factor describes how much a figure is enlarged or reduced.
3. discussed how a scale factor between 0 and 1 reduces a figure and a scale factor greater than 1
    enlarges it.

For Evening Practice, students CAN...

1. complete numbers 1-17 on pages 362 - 365.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this video. it really helped me with my homework on the owns I got stuck on. Thanks for posting things to help us!

    Emily Reynolds P-5 EDM Miss Banjoff
