Friday, March 02, 2012

Class Topics: 03.02.12

In EDM today, students completed Lesson 1.9: Interpreting Graphs and Tables which concludes Unit Six.  This lesson involved analyzing tables of data and generating scenarios that would fit that information; it is challenging and fun.
Our Learning Intentions for today:
  1. I will be able to attain information from a table.
  2. I will be able to make inferences based on the data in the table.
  3. I will be able to tell which graph corresponds to a situation described in a given example.
In class, students...
  • completed Reteach 1.9 and Practice 1.9.
  • created a graph that represented a specific situation.
For Weekend Practice, students CAN...
  • use the Google Form to prepare for Tuesday Unit Six Summative Assessment.
  • solve and correct Unit Six Formative Pretest.  

In Pre-Algebra today, students reviewed for and completed their Mid-Chapter Quiz.  The Chapter Seven quiz consisted of skills that included: generating/identifying equivalent ratios, determining better buys by calculating unit prices, setting-up conversions to solve story problems and using cross products to solve for missing values in proportions.
Our Learning Intentions for today:
  1. I will be able to generate equivalent ratios given fractions.  
  2. I will be able to determine better buys by calculating unit prices for products.
  3. I will be able to setting-up conversions to solve story problems.
  4. I will be able to use cross products to solve for missing values in proportions.
In class, students...
  • reviewed for the quiz.
  • completed the Chapter Seven Mid-Quiz.
For Weekend Practice, students CAN...
  • introduce themselves to Lesson 7.5: Dilation.
  • view one of the videos below and post a comment letting me know if this makes sense to you.


  1. Yes, these videos do make sense to me.


  2. Well, I watched the first video and it made sense, but the second video just confused me and I think I shouldn't have watched it... Oops...

    ~Cheesy Ninja

  3. The first video did make sense to me.

