Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Class Topics: 02.29.12

In EDM, students discussed and analyzed their own Mathematics Probe successes and errors from Monday's class probe with Mr. Giomini.  Students reflected on their piece by documenting their progress on a Student Self-Reflection Sheet.  The goal is to both monitor and understand where our mistakes occur.  Students are asking themselves if the the error was because:
  1. they didn't check all possible answers. 
  2. they didn't understand a word in the question or answers.
  3. they didn't go back into the question to check if their answer made sense with the question.
  4. they made a careless mistake.
  5. they accidentally skipped the question.
  6. they have no idea why the answer is what it is and they need further intervention for this question.
In class, our Learning Intentions were to be able to...
  • analyze our successes and mistakes on our first OAA Probe and determine where/why we faltered in a conference with Mr. Giomini.  
  • write solutions of equations with two variables as ordered pairs.
  • substitute given values into given equations
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
Goes along well with questions 
25 and 26 on the pretest!
In Pre-Algebra, students discussed and analyzed their own Mathematics Probe successes and errors from Monday's class probe with Mr. Giomini.  Students reflected on their piece by documenting their progress on a Student Self-Reflection Sheet.  The goal is to both monitor and understand where our mistakes occur.  Students are asking themselves if the the error was because:
  1. they didn't check all possible answers. 
  2. they didn't understand a word in the question or answers.
  3. they didn't go back into the question to check if their answer made sense with the question.
  4. they made a careless mistake.
  5. they accidentally skipped the question.
  6. they have no idea why the answer is what it is and they need further intervention for this question.
While the conferences were taking place, students worked collaboratively in Lesson 7.4: Solving Proportions.  We modeled the cross products approach to determine whether two ratios were proportional.

In class, our Learning Intentions were to be able to...
  • analyze our successes and mistakes on our first OAA Probe and determine where/why we faltered in a conference with Mr. Giomini.  
  • determine whether ratios were proportional using the cross product method.
  • apply our new knowledge of proportions to real-life scenarios.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • complete 6 – 14, 19, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36 all parts, 40 - 44 on pages 356 - 359
  • complete two Khan Links from Monday's Class Topics.  

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