Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Class Topics: 02.28.12

In EDM today, Mr. Giomini started class by displaying an algebraic inequality on the board to help review skills previously learned.  Students were introduced to our Learning Intentions for the class lesson.  The Learning Intentions are listed below.  Mr. Giomini modeled combining like terms for the students which is the focal point for Lesson 1.6.  Once several models were examined, students broke into learning pods to complete various tasks.

Mr. Giomini met with one of the rotating learning pods to analyze errors made on the Unit Six Formative Pretest that students were to make corrections to over the weekend.
Today's Learning Intentions...
  • I will be able to combine like terms when analyzing an algebraic expression.
  • I will be able to utilize the distributive property when looking to combine like terms both inside and outside of parenthesis.  
  • I will be able to effectively communicate to a friend or teacher how one would be able to combine like terms when analyzing an algebraic expression.
In class, students...
  • solved and graphed an one-step algebraic inequality.
  • read and discussed today's Learning Intentions.
  • collaborated with peers to complete Reteach 1.6 and Practice 1.6.
  • checked over Unit Six Formative Pretest corrections.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...

In Pre-Algebra today, Mr. Giomini started class by modeling how to solve a conversion factor problem.  Students then were introduced to the Learning Intentions for today's lesson which are listed below.  Students attempted to create their own conversion factor problem and develop an accurate solution.  Afterwards, students shared their problem with another group and they solved each others problems.   
Today's Learning Intentions...
  • I will be able to analyze a story problem and construct the initial ratio to begin solving the problem.
  • I will be able to develop accurate conversions to solve a story problem.
  • I will be able to model to a peer or parent how to solve the problem stated below. 
    • The average American eats 23 pounds of pizza each year.  Find the number of ounces of pizza the average person eats per week.
In class, students...
  • analyzed a few conversion factor problems.
  • created and solved their own conversion factor problem.
  • solved a conversion factor problem created by a peer.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • complete numbers 1-7, 11-14, 22,23, and 30-34 on pages 350 - 354.
  • complete your two Khan Links by Friday, March 2nd.

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