Friday, February 24, 2012

Class Topics: 02.24.12

In EDM today, students in first and third period completed a Google Form Review for some of the skills that we have been work on recently in the computer lab.  Once that was completed students practiced various skills on Khan Academy utilizing the various skills listed below.
During fifth period EDM, we worked collaboratively in small groups to complete tasks dealing with translating story problems into algebraic equations.  Others reviewed skills such as solving and graphing inequalities.  All of these skills are assessed on the Unit Six Summative Posttest.
In class, students...
  • worked in the Computer Lab to review information from both this week and last.
  • completed a Google Form to exhibit current level of understanding of class material.
  • collaborated with peers to practice creating algebraic equations and graph algebraic. 
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • make corrections to the front side of your Unit Six Formative Pretest.
  • practice an appropriate level on your Khan Knowledge Map.
In Pre-Algebra today, students practiced with yesterday's skill of Conversion Factors by completing one Lesson 7.3 Problem Solving handout and a Lesson 7.3 Practice C.  Students had the option of working collaboratively with a partner or independently.  Mr. Giomini distributed answers keys around the room for children to use as a reference as they worked through the problems.  These problems are real Mind Benders.

A special thanks to our T.E.E. student Jocey for teaching us a great way to solve these perplexing problems.
In class, students...
  • completed Lesson 7.3 Problem Solving and Lesson 7.3 Practice C.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  • make corrections to the first column of problems on the Chapter Seven Formative Pretest that was given back on Tuesday.   
The Mind Benders; and no I wasn't
in the band.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mr. Gio! It is Stevie. Nice video, my type of music. I am guessing that it is live unless it is a planned music video. See you!
    Stevie (from last year)
