Friday, February 17, 2012

Class Topics: 02.17.12

In EDM, students completed a Unit Six Mid-Quiz.  There have been links and quiz topics posted to the blog since Monday in preparation.
In class, students...
  • completed the Unit Six Mid-Quiz.
For homework, students CAN...
  • practice the following Khan Academy Skill:  one-step equations
  • practice previously completed skills on Khan Academy.
In Pre-Algebra, students collaborated with peers and developed effective feedback to complete a construction project.  The assignment dealt with creating a geometric design by following specific directions.   The assignment is graded on a rubric that the students had access to both prior and during the assignment.
In class, students...
  • collaborated with peers to complete a construction task.
  • generated effective feedback to assist a peer in completing a task.
For homework, students CAN...
  • view the Khan Video below to learn about proportions.
  • practice the linked Khan skill over the long weekend.

Might be advanced, but it shows some
great application.

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